A key part of my responsibilities as the TxSGS Director of Communications is to encourage a sense of online community, and to reach TxSGS members and Texas family historians on the communications venues of their choice…many of which are online platforms and/or mobile devices. Reaching and engaging you is not a one-size-fits-all approach.
So I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the main places where TxSGS tries to reach you—to keep you informed about TxSGS events, programs, and partner societies/institutions; to keep you informed about the broader genealogical community; to promote genealogy and Texas family history; to engage you in discussing your Texas ancestors and our Texas history; to answer your questions and concerns; and to hear your ideas.
Following is a list of our current online communities and communication spaces, and a brief description of the purpose of each.
- Join us for research discussions, and share your family history or society success stories and challenges on our Facebook Group (open to any Facebook member) at www.facebook.com/groups/TxSGS.
- Follow and “Like” our Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/TxSGS to receive valuable news, tips, and events sent daily to the news feed of your personal Facebook Profile or your society/library/institution’s Facebook Page.
- Follow us on Twitter (@TxSGS at https://twitter.com/TxSGS) and on Instagram (@theTxSGS at https://www.instagram.com/ thetxsgs/) to share and talk about all things pertaining to Texas family history and history, as well as our upcoming #TxSGS2016 conference in Dallas.
- Follow our blog at https://www.txsgs.org /blog for longer articles about TxSGS news, events, and programs, and about Texas family history.
- Visit our website at www.txsgs.org to learn more about our mission, programs and services, publications, member benefits, and Partner Societies.
- Subscribe to our Monthly eNews (https://www.txsgs.org/publications/enews/) an email newsletter delivered straight to your email inbox the last week of every month, that compiles the most immediate TxSGS, Partner Society, and genealogical community news and events shared each prior month across our other online communities and communication channels.
I certainly cannot take credit for creating and managing all of these online venues. Many thanks go out to my fellow TxSGS volunteers for their work!
All of these communities and communication venues are mobile-friendly.
So, grab your computer, tablet, or smart phone, and follow/join/subscribe to those that best fit your needs, preferences, and online personality!
- Texas State Genealogical Society Issues Call for Presentations for the 2017 Family History Conference in Houston - January 18, 2017
- Stirpes Double Issue for September & December 2016 Released - January 7, 2017
- 2016 TxSGS Awards: Partner Society Quarterlies - December 15, 2016