Our annual conference is almost here! It’s time to start making plans about what to take with you and what to do during your time in Round Rock.
If this is your first conference, welcome! We’re glad you’re joining us. We have many exciting things planned. Here are some tips to enhance your conference experience and ensure you have a good time:
Bring a sweater.
October in Texas is lovely, but we’re all familiar with the occasional overzealous air conditioners indoors. You may not need it, but bring a sweater just in case.
Make a schedule, but don’t stick to it.
On Thursday and Friday, there are three different tracks of classes from which to choose. Highlight the ones that interest you on the schedule, but allow flexibility to change your mind at the last minute if something else strikes your fancy. This is what makes learning fun.
Try something new.
Out of all the great sessions and events at this conference, give yourself the chance to experience at least one new thing. Pick a class on a subject you’re not familiar with. Go all out on your Halloween costume for the Welcome Reception. Do something outside your usual comfort zone. You’ll be glad you did.
Meet at least one new person.
Conferences are fun places to meet up with friends, but they’re also wonderful places to meet new people. Whether in class, at evening events or in roundtables, make a point to introduce yourself to at least one new person. You may just find a new cousin or someone that can help your genealogy research. At the very least, you’ll have a new genealogy friend.
Share your ideas with your society.
You’re guaranteed to gather new knowledge and ideas at this conference. When you return home, make a point to discuss what you learned with your fellow society members. Share the wealth of your knowledge and everyone will benefit.
Have fun!
Of course, this is the most important thing to remember to do at genealogy conferences. We look forward to seeing you in Round Rock!