DNA Track

Six sessions and one workshop at the 2018 TxSGS Family History Conference offer a variety of ways to analyze your DNA test results, regardless of whether you’re just getting your first test results or are using the latest tools to analyze results you’ve had for a while. We hope you’ll join us to find new ways to connect to your ancestors. See all tracks and speakers.

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Friday, 9:30 a.m. – Finding the Right DNA Test for You, Jim Brewster
How can DNA help your genealogy? We will discuss the three basic types of DNA for genetic genealogy and how they can aid your genealogical research. (Beginner)

Friday, 11:00 a.m. – After the DNA Test: What Next?, Sara Gredler
Through beginning guidance of the how and why of DNA testing, learn ways to utilize all types of DNA results in our genealogy. Focusing primarily on autosomal DNA, the presentation utilizes multiple case studies to show the ins-and-outs of using DNA for genealogical research. (Beginner, Intermediate)

Saturday, 11:00 a.m. – Organized Genetic Genealogy, Debbie Parker Wayne
DNA analysis overwhelms researchers with many megabytes of data. This session helps researchers of all levels to organize DNA data and documentary data for efficient analysis. Learn what DNA data needs to be archived, how to choose an organizational structure for the data, and tools and tips for efficient data management and analysis. (All levels)

Saturday, 2:00 p.m. – Write, Cite, Spotlight, Excite: Documenting DNA Analysis, Debbie Parker Wayne
The right article or report can help excite potential relatives and encourage them to test to advance genealogical research. Researchers with a basic knowledge of DNA data, terminology, and analysis will receive tips to write, cite, and use charts to properly document and share DNA analysis. (Intermediate)

Sunday, 9:30 a.m. – Integrating DNA and Family History at MyHeritage.com, Schelly Talalay Dardashti
Learn how MyHeritage integrated its DNA service into our family history offerings and also about our ethnicities project — the largest study of its kind ever conducted. We’ll also cover our powerful DNA Matching technology and take a look at a few exciting case studies. (All levels)

Sunday, 3:30 p.m. – The ABC’s of Y DNA, Jim Brewster
Learn about the wonderful world of the Y chromosome and how it can enhance your paternal genealogy. (Intermediate)

atDNA Analysis Workshop (Seating limited, $30, must be registered in advance)
Friday, November 2, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.
Debbie Parker Wayne
Researchers with a basic knowledge of DNA data, terminology, and tools to access match lists and DNA data at testing companies will learn analysis techniques beyond scanning surname lists and pedigree charts of matches. This workshop covers step-by-step analysis of autosomal DNA matches using company and third-party tools. Multiple tools illustrate analysis of a match list, matches in common, shared atDNA segments, and correlation of evidence to answer genealogical questions. (Intermediate level)


The TxSGS DNA Project