Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris
Societies, Libraries, and Genealogy Resources:
Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society of Houston
- Clayton Library Center for Genealogical Research 5300 Caroline Street, Houston, TX 77004
- http://htown.aahgs.org/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AAHGSHouston/
- Blog: http://htown.aahgs.org/category/blog/
Atascocita-Kingwood Genealogical Society
- 7710 Par Five Drive, Humble, TX 77346-6188
- rhsuderman@gmail.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AtascocitaKingwoodGeneologicalSociety
- Blog: http://texasfamilytree.blogspot.com/
Meets at 2:30 PM on the 2nd Sunday of the month each month.
Rosemont; 6450 Kings Parkway; Humble TX 77346. Website and Facebook link are broken…
Bay Area Heritage Society
- 220 West De Fee Sreet, Baytown, TX 77520-4010
- 281-427-8768
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BayAreaHeritageSociety/
Baytown Genealogy Society
- P.O. Box 2486, Baytown, TX 77522-2486
- 713-479-3244
- https://baytowngenealogylibrary.weebly.com/
Brazoria County Historical Museum
- 100 East Cedar Street, Angleton, TX 77515-4602
- https://brazoriacountytx.gov/departments/museum
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrazCoMuseum/
Clayton Library Friends; Inc. (TxSGS Partner Society)
- 5300 Caroline Street, Houston, TX 77004-6803
- 832-393-2600
- http://claytonlibraryfriends.org
- info@claytonlibraryfriends.org
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ClaytonLibraryFriends?ref=br_tf
Meets at 10:30 AM on the 3rd Saturday of the month February; May; August & November.
Clayton Library Friends; Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit organization that seeks to enrich the resources and facilities of Clayton Library Center for Genealogical Research; a unit of the Houston Public Library. In the pursuit of that mission; the officers and directors of the organization; in coordination with the manager of the Clayton Library; organize and direct fundraising projects to support the acquisition of research material for the library; to upgrade library facilities; and to enhance library services. We meet quarterly at Clayton Library or via Zoom.
Journal/Quarterly Name: The Clayton Advocate
Published: Quarterly
Theme: Information about Clayton Library and articles that involve the library collections
Format: Digital
Galveston County Genealogical Society
- PO Box 1141, Galveston, TX 77553-1141
- http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~txgalves/gcgs.html
- valire317@aol.com
George Memorial Library (TxSGS Partner Society)
- 1001 Golfview Drive, Richmond, TX 77469-5141
- 281-342-4455
Harris County Archives
- 11525 Todd Street Suite 300, Houston, TX 77055-1363
- 713-274-9680
- http://www.harriscountyarchives.com/ContactUs
- archives@hctx.net
Hispanic Genealogical Society of Houston (TxSGS Partner Society)
- P.O. Box 66576, Houston, TX 77266-6576
- 281-451-0616
- http://Hispanic Genealogical Society of Houston
- ms.azios713@gmail.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/610419352633532/
Meets at 11:00 AM on the 1st Saturday of the month January; February; April; May; September; October; November.
Searching for your Hispanic ancestors; join our society and find out how with our help! Our Hispanic Genealogical Society was formed to help foster knowledge; training; help; and pride in the search of our ancestors. Prior to the pandemic; our monthly meetings are held at the Clayton Library Center for Genealogical Research. At this time; the library has not yet returned to allowing groups to reserve space for meetings. Among the active membership; the preference is to meet in person. Therefore; acting in an abundance of caution; we are not holding monthly meetings. More information will be shared when it is available.
Journal/Quarterly Name: Hispanic Genealogical Society of Houston
Houston Genealogical Forum (TxSGS Partner Society)
- P. O. Box 272242, Houston, TX 77277-2242
- 713-962-3394
- http://www.hgftx.org/
- info@hgftx.org
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HoustonGenealogicalForum
Meets at 10:00 AM on the 1st Saturday of the month January; February; March; April; May; September; October; November & December.
We meet in the Auditorium at Bayland Community Center. The meeting room opens at 9:00 AM for munchies and mingling followed by the regular meeting from 10:00 AM to noon. Exceptions are made for Labor Day and other special holidays.
Houston Public Library – Clayton Library Center for Genealogical Research
- 5300 Caroline, Houston, TX 77004-6803
- 832-393-2600
- http://houstonlibrary.org/research/special-collections/clayton-library-center-ge
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/houstonlibrary
Huguenot Society of Texas
- 10002 Ella Lee Lane, Houston, TX 77042-2912
La Porte Bay Area Heritage Society
- c/o Sylvan Beach Depot Museum and Library 604 Park Drive, La Porte, TX 77571
- https://www.ci.la-porte.tx.us/570/La-Porte-Heritage-Society
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/laportebayareaheritagesociety/
League City Genealogical Society
- 210 North Kansas Avenue, League City, TX 77573-2466
- 281-554-2994
- http://Leaguecityhistory.org
- Leaguecitytxhistory@gmail.com
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/leaguecityhistory
- Instagram: @leaguecitytxhistory
Meets at 7:00 PM on the 4th Thursday of the month January; February; March; April; May; June; August; September; October; November & December.
With COVID; we are not having meetings but before we had meetings once month (except July) at our Barn Museum on our property that also includes a restored One Room Schoolhouse Museum; 1920’s Barber Shop/Ice House; Outhouse; and Garden Classroom. We have an extensive archive of files relating to area families as well as buildings and general history of the area.
Polish Genealogical Society of Texas
- PO Box 820386, Houston, TX 77282-0386
- 281-778-9410
- http://www.pgst.org/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/268568647678
A non-profit society organized to promote genealogical research among individuals of Polish Heritage. Our goals are to unite Polish researchers; share information; publish Texas research for previously undocumented areas and educate others on Polish-Texan history.
Journal/Quarterly Name: Polish Footprints
Published: Twice each year
Spring Historical and Genealogical Society
- P.O.Box 694, Spring, TX 77383-0694
Tejano Association for Historical Preservation
- 1727 Idylwood Drive, Houston, TX 77023-4802
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TejanoAssociation/
Texas Bay Area Genealogical Society (TxSGS Partner Society)
- P.O. Box 590853, Houston, TX 77259-0853
- 281-670-8334
- http://www.txbayareagen.org
- info@txbayareagen.org
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/txbayareagensoc
Meets at 7:00 PM on the Last Friday of the month every month.
Our main purpose is Education. It is our desire to create; foster; and maintain interest in genealogical research. Our goals are to: 1) Schedule classes so people of all ages can learn how to research; 2) Offer a support system for beginners to help them along the way; 3) Have our members participate by sharing their knowledge; and 4) Promote speakers that can teach us new methods and ideas. We share this information with others at meetings; seminars; and through our publications.
Newsletter Name: Bay Area Genealogical Society Newsletter
Published: Monthly
Theme: News and events
Format: Electronic (online)
Journal/Quarterly Name: Bay Area Genealogical Society Journal
Published: Normally once or twice per membership year
Theme: Mostly longer-form (4 – 20 page) articles.
Format: Printed
Texas City Ancestry Searchers
- PO Box 3301, Texas City, TX 77592-3301
- 409-938-6014
- http://www.txgalveston.org/tcaspage.html#:~:text=The%20Texas%20City%20Ancestry%2
Ten volunteers provide assistance at the Moore Memorial Library; 1701 Ninth Avenue in Texas City. This society was organized in 1976 and has 62 members. They meet at 1:00 p.m. the third Wednesday at the library.
The Galveston Texas Genealogy Group
- 3433 Cove View Boulivard, Galveston, TX
The Humble Area Genealogical Society (TxSGS Partner Society)
- PO Box 2723, Humble, TX 77347-2723
- 281-706-4161
- https://www.humblegen.org
- humbleareagen@gmail.com
Meets at 7:00 PM on the 2nd Monday of the month January; February; March; April; May; September; October; November & December.
THAGS meets the 2nd Monday of each month September through May; via ZOOM; at 7:00 PM. Send an email to request a meeting invite. Member benefits include: bi-annual newsletter; access to member’s section of website; research trip opportunities; mentoring; and in-person social gatherings.
Journal/Quarterly Name: The Humble Genealogist
Published: Twice each year
Theme: Articles; general information about society
Format: Print & Digital
West Houston Area Genealogy Society (TxSGS Partner Society)
- P.O. Box 842661, Houston, TX 77284-2661
- http://www.WHAGS.org
- info@whags.email
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/whags
Meets at 10:00 a.m. on the 3rd Saturday of the month January; February; March; April; May; September; October; November & December.
Meet at Steve Radack Community Center; 18650 Clay Road; Houston; TX. Benefits: Website with Members’ Only area; Facebook Group; monthly Members Helping Members session; DNA Special Interest Group; WHAGS Relative Finder and opportunity to serve alongside fellow members on committees.
Newsletter Name: The WHAGS Journal
Published: Monthly September through May; skipping December
Theme: Entertaining and educational content shared by and for members
Format: Digital
Whitehouse Community Library
- 107 Bascom Road, Whitehouse, TX 75791-3230
- 903-839-2949
- https://www.whitehousecommunitylibrary.com/
- whitehousetxlibrary@gmail.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WhitehouseCommunityLibrary/
Report Date: 2024-09-27T11:51:13