District S

District Representative:


Bee, Brooks, Cameron, Duval, Hidalgo, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Kenedy, Kleberg, Live Oak, McMullen, Nueces, San Patricio, Starr, Webb, Willacy, Zapata


Societies, Libraries, and Genealogy Resources:

Coastal Bend Genealogical Society (TxSGS Partner Society)

Meets at 10:00 AM on the 2nd Saturday of the month January; March; May; July; September & November.

Meets at the LaRetama Central Library; 805 Comanche St; Corpus Christi; TX on the 2nd Saturday of ODD-numbered months at 10AM

Newsletter Name: Coastal Bend Genealogical Society Newsletter
Published: Every other month
Theme: News about what is happening in the society and whatever topic strikes the editor’s fancy
Format: Digital

Corpus Christi Public Libraries

Jernigan Library – Texas A&M University Kingsville

Las Villas del Norte

Rio Grande Valley Hispanic Genealogical Society

Meets at 1:30 on the 3rd Sunday of the month January; February; March; April; May; June; September; August; September; October; & November.

Meets at the Harlingen Arts & Heritage Museum; 2425 Boxwood Street Harlingen TX 78550

Newsletter Name: Rio Grande Valley Hispanic Genealogical Society Newsletter
Published: Quarterly

Spanish American Genealogical Association

Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library Texas A&M International University

Tip-O-Texas Genealogical Society (TxSGS Partner Society)

The Harlingen Public Library receives support from this society of 35 members who meet there at various times. The library is open Monday through Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Friday through Sunday from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. The society publishes a quarterly Genealogical Tips. The website URL does not work: the last Facebook post was may 30; 2021…

Villa San Agustin de Laredo Genealogical Society

Report Date: 2024-09-27T11:51:13

The TxSGS DNA Project