Cheryl Freeman
Dallas, Rockwall
Societies, Libraries, and Genealogy Resources:
Cedar Hill Genealogical Society (TxSGS Partner Society)
- P O Box 1021, Cedar Hill, TX 75106-1021
- 972-291-3104
- http://cedarhillgenealogy.wordpress.com
- chgenealogicalsociety2012@gmail.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cedarhillgenealogicalsociety
Meets at 7:00 PM on the 2nd Thursday of the month January; February; March; April; May; August; September; October; November & December.
Society uses the meeting room at the Zula B Wylie Library in Cedar Hill.
Newsletter Name: CHGS Newsletter
Published: Every Month
Theme: Relevant Topics to our society; and what’s coming up in our next meeting
Format: Electronic (online)
Chessman Wealth Strategies
- 7557 Rambler Road Suite 1010, Dallas, TX 75231-2394
- 214-572-2120
Dallas Genealogical Society (TxSGS Partner Society)
- 391 Las Colinas Blvd E Ste 130- 2112, Irving, TX 75039-6291
- 866-968-2347
- https://dallasgenealogy.com/
- info@dallasgenealogy.org
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dallas-Genealogical-Society/114996968538403
- Blog: https://dallasgenealogy.com/dgs/news/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/DGStx
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dgstexas
Meets at 11:00 AM on the 1st Saturday of the month September – May.
Meets at the Dallas Public Library; 1515 Young Street Dallas TX. Meetings are currently virtual.
Newsletter Name: eNews
Published: Monthly; except June and August
Theme: Recent Genealogical news and events associated with Dallas and North Texas
Format: Digital
Dallas Jewish Historical Society
- 7900 Northaven Road, Dallas, TX 75230-3352
- 214-239-7108
- http://djhs.org/
- Facebook: Dallas Jewish Historical Society
Dallas Public Library (TxSGS Partner Society)
- 1515 Young Street Attn: Serials Division, Dallas, TX 75201-5411
- 214-670-1433
- http://dallaslibrary2.org/genealogy/index.php
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dallaslibrary
Grand Prairie Genealogical Society
- PO Box 532026, Grand Prairie, TX 75053-2026
- 972-264-0555
- http://www.gpgstx.org/
- info@gpgstx.org
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/grandprairiegenealogy/
Meets at 6:30 PM on the 1st Thursday of the month Every month.
The society meets at the Grand Prairie Memorial Library on Conover Dr. Visitors are always welcome. Besides publishing a monthly newsletter; Roots and Branches; this active society is indexing scrapbooks and other archival information at the Grand Prairie Library and working on surveying the cemeteries in the city to publish an updated cemetery book.
Newsletter Name: Roots ‘n Branches
Published: Monthly
Theme: Local events; society events; historical information
Format: Paper & Digital
Grand Prairie Memorial Library (TxSGS Partner Society)
- 901 Conover Attn: Memorial Library, Grand Prairie, TX 75051-1521
- 512-442-5471
- https://www.gptx.org/city-government/city-departments/library
- infodesk@gptx.org
HOGAR de Dallas (Hispanic Organization of Genealogy and Research)
- PO Box 226494, Dallas, TX 75222-6494
- 940-600-7494
- susanpvega61@yahoo.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HogarDeDallas
Irving Heritage Society
- P.O. Box 171572, Irving, TX 75017-1572
- 972-252-3838
- http://www.irvingheritage.com/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Irving-Heritage-Society-170447793061890/
Lancaster Genealogical Society
- 921 Waynelee Drive, Lancaster, TX 75146-2239
- 972-978-5401
- https://www.lancaster-tx.com/534/Lancaster-Genealogical-Society
- pmnconrad@gmail.com
Lancaster Veterans Memorial Library: 1600 Veterans Memorial Parkway; Lancaster TX 75134
Northeast Texas Library System
- 625 Austin Street, Garland, TX 75040-6304
Peters Colony Historical Society
- P.O. Box 110846, Carrolton, TX 75011-0846
- http://peterscolonyhistoricalsociety.com/
Rockwall County Genealogical Society (TxSGS Partner Society)
- 2506 Cedarwood Trl, Rockwall, TX 75032-6854
- 972-742-7402
- http://www.rockwallroots.org/rcgs
Meets at 6:00 PM on the 1st Thursday of the month January; February; March; April; May; June; July; August; September; October & November.
Meets at the Rockwall County Library (Genealogy section). The RCGS is dedicated to preserving the history of our ancestors and especially the history of Rockwall County and its citizens. Everyone interested in genealogy is welcome to attend and we especially look forward to those who have the desire to give back to their community and help our organization grow.
South Irving Public Library (TxSGS Partner Society)
- PO Box 152288, Irving, TX 75015-2288
- 972-721-2764
- http://catalog.cityofirving.org/rooms/
The Mesquite Historical and Genealogical Society
- P.O. Box 850165 (Mesquite Public Library), Mesquite, TX 75185-0165
- sstravis@hotmail.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MesquiteHGS/
Meets at 6:30 PM on the 2nd Thursday of the month January; February; March; April; May; June; September; October; November & December.
Currently meeting online using Zoom
Report Date: 2024-09-27T11:51:13