District H

District Representative:
William D. (Bill) Buckner


Bell, Bosque, Brown, Comanche, Coryell, Erath, Falls, Hamilton, Lampasas, McLennan, Mills


Societies, Libraries, and Genealogy Resources:

Association of Professional Genealogists – Lone Star Chapter

The Lone Star Chapter is active and has committed to working with the Waco Genealogy Center to host their very popular Ancestors Roadshow during their annual lock-in.

Association of Professional Genealogists – Lone Star Chapter

The Lone Star Chapter is active and has committed to working with the Waco Genealogy Center to host their very popular Ancestors Roadshow during their annual lock-in.

Baylor Library (TxSGS Partner Society)

      • One Bear Place Unit 97151 Attn: Serials, Waco, TX 76798-7151
      • 254-710-2118

Bell County Genealogical Society (TxSGS Partner Society)

Meets at 5:30 p.m. on the 3rd Tuesday of the month every month.

Meets on the third floor (McLane Room) of the Temple Public Library Building. Research help; programs on genealogy; sharing of ideas.

Bosque County Genealogical Society (TxSGS Partner Society)

Meets at 1:00 PM on the 2nd Saturday of the month January; April; July & October.

We meet at the Clifton Civic Center; Clifton; Texas. Benefits include Journal; webinars; workshops; access to research help; gravestone cleanings; field trips.


Journal/Quarterly Name: Bosque County Genealogical & Historical Society Journal
Published: Quarterly

Central TX Genealogical Society (TxSGS Partner Society)

Meets at 6:00 PM on the 4th Monday of the month January; February; March; April; May; June; July; August; September; October & November.

Our society meets in person at the West Waco Library & Genealogy Center and vi Zoom: the meeting link is posted on our website. Members enjoy special online data on the CTGS website; a printed or digital quarterly; two free programs per month and an annual workshop. We offer special interest groups for German; Southwestern States; and DNA research. Our society is a friends group of the Genealogy Center and co-host programs with the staff.


Journal/Quarterly Name: Heart of Texas Records
Published: Quarterly
Theme: Genealogy in Central Texas
Format: Printed & Digital

Comanche Public Library (TxSGS Partner Society)

      • 311 North Austin, Comanche, TX 76442-2405
      • 325-356-2122

Coryell County Genealogical Society (TxSGS Partner Society)

The Society publishes a Quarterly; holds public meetings; offering research assistance; and transcribes and publishes original historical documents or genealogically relevant information; such as cemetery and marriage records. The Society also helps maintain the Genealogy Section of the Gatesville Public Library; where genealogical materials include books and microfilm on local history and family genealogies; as well as a substantial collection of state and national genealogical books are maintained.

Newsletter Name: Coryell Kin – Discontinued at the end of 2023.
Published: Quarterly

Erath County Genealogical Society (TxSGS Partner Society)

Meets at 2:00 PM on the 3rd Saturday of the month January; April; July & October.

Meets at the Dublin Public Library; 206 W. Blackjack St.; Dublin; Texas 76446. guests welcome at meetings; field trips; Facebook group; monthly email newsletter. member benefits ECGS Genealogy Collection checkout w library card; biannual 75+/- pg ECGS Journal; Members Research Connection w contact info.


Journal/Quarterly Name: The Erath County Genealogical Society Journal

Hamilton Public Library

The library has the genealogical records donated by the Hamilton County Genealogical Society after in 2014.

Pecan Valley Genealogy Society (TxSGS Partner Society)

Meets at 6:00 PM on the 2nd Monday of the month every month.

The mission of PVGS shall be for genealogical; literary and educational purposes; to promote and stimulate interest in history through family research; to cooperate with patriotic and heritage societies in the field of family research; to conduct educational programs and to disseminate information to the members and to the public pointing up the importance of history; tradition; family knowledge and pride.To assist financially in the establishment of a genealogical collection and/or knowledge; said collection to be comprised of local; regional; and national genealogical data; to stress research in; gather and preserve genealogical data and vital public records of Brown County and the surrounding areas.

Salado Historical Society

Texas Czech Genealogical Society (TxSGS Partner Society)

The Texas Czech Genealogical Society is a very active society that supports Texas Czech families; language and culture. They have conferences; workshops and produce some fantastic publications. They are working on two publication Pamatnik Cechoslovaku; a tribute to Texas Czechs who worked together during the WWI years to form a sovereign Czech country; and a Wedding Album book.

Newsletter Name: Ceske Stopy
Published: Quarterly
Theme: Different theme for each publication with one issue each year having an open theme
Format: Paper; Digital

The Bosque County Historical Commission

Valley Mills Public Library

Report Date: 2024-09-27T11:51:13

The TxSGS DNA Project