Our ancestors started Blazing Family Trails when they immigrated to a new land with dreams of finding home and prosperity. As genealogists, we follow their path by identifying our immediate family and traveling backward in time via records, DNA, and much more. We learn methods for researching and analyzing these records; we trace and document our ancestors’ ethnic roots. Along the way, we make sure to preserve and share their stories for future generations. Blazing Family Trails provides you with knowledge and tools to help you on this journey.
Preview the topics and speakers on our website at www.txsgs.org/2019-conference/speakers-and-topics/ and make plans now to join us for a fabulous three-day genealogy getaway weekend!
The 2019 TxSGS Annual Family History Conference will be held at the Omni Houston Hotel Westside at 13210 Katy Freeway, Houston, TX. Hotel reservations may now be made online via a direct link through our website. See TxSGS Lodging & Venue at www.txsgs.org/2019-conference-lodging-and-venue/.
The Omni extends special room rates three days prior to and three days following the conference. Attendees may want to consider coming early or staying late to take advantage of research opportunities at the Clayton Library Center for Genealogical Research or other area repositories.
For more information about the 2019 Conference, check out our website at www.txsgs.org/2019-conference/.