Texas Genealogy Events Calendar
To submit an item for the calendar email calendar@txsgs.org
The following genealogical events are currently scheduled. This calendar includes Partner Societies that are offering one-day or multiple-day workshops and seminars, as well as national and international conferences. It does not include monthly meetings.
Check each Partner Society’s listing or website for their regular meeting information.

- This event has passed.
The Roots That Bind, an African-American Genealogy Workshop
February 15, 2014 @ 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
The Roots That Bind
An African-American Genealogy Workshop
Saturday, February 15, 2014 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
West Waco Library & Genealogy Center, 5301 Bosque Blvd.
Pursuing your family history can be a labor of love. The first steps for anyone pursuing family history are to learn what resources are available and how to use these resources to ensure success. African-Americans, though, are faced with unique research challenges. They face the task of determining if descendants were freedmen or slaves, using incomplete records, and determining the identity of slaveholders and ancestors whose surnames may have changed multiple times in the years following the Civil War.
To assist those interested in researching their African-American ancestors, the Genealogy Center of the Waco-McLennan County Library in cooperation with the Central Texas Genealogical Society is sponsoring “The Roots That Bind, an African-American Genealogy Workshop” on Saturday, February 15, 2014 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the West Waco Library & Genealogy Center, 5301 Bosque Blvd. Waco, Texas.
Keynote speaker Franklin Smith, co-author of A Genealogist’s Guide to Discovering Your African-American Ancestors: How to Find and Record Your Unique Heritage will present three distinct programs during the day:
- “How to Get Started Tracing Your Family Tree” covers the basics for getting started, including a look at the Freedman Bureau records.
- “Researching Pre-Civil War Slave Ancestors: Identifying the Slaveholder” includes tips and strategies for identifying the slaveholder using post-Civil War records.
- “Identifying and Locating Slaveholder Records and Documents” takes an in-depth look at various slave records.
Other topics will include:
- “Protecting Your Future by Saving Your Past” with Vivian Rutherford of the Heart of Texas Storytelling Guild. Ms. Rutherford will teach the importance of oral history and share hands-on tips and techniques for gathering your family’s story.
- Edith Smith, co-author of the series ‘No Land, Only Slaves!’, will present “The Wow Factor: Celebrating the Excitement of Deeds.” This program presents information about slaves found in deeds, as well as the vast array of information found in deeds, from the common to the unusual, that is useful in providing clues to discovering those elusive ancestors in your family trees.
- Mary Evans will cap the day with “Connecting via Social Media.” Ms. Evans will share how social media and online genealogy family connecting websites are useful tools in finding lost family members as well as staying in touch. Learn how Geni.com, Facebook, and other online mediums can connect you to your family.
The Roots that Bind, an African-American Genealogy Workshop, is free to the public and open to anyone that has an interest in pursuing their family history. We ask that those wishing to attend to pre-register by calling the Genealogy Center at 254-750-5945. Onsite registration begins at 8:30 a.m. Lunch will be on your own.
For more information call 254-750-5945 or contact Bill Buckner at e-mail: bbuckner@ci.waco.tx.us