Texas Genealogy Events Calendar

To submit an item for the calendar email calendar@txsgs.org

The following genealogical events are currently scheduled. This calendar includes Partner Societies that are offering one-day or multiple-day workshops and seminars, as well as national and international conferences. It does not include monthly meetings.

Check each Partner Society’s listing or website for their regular meeting information.

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“You Have Your Ancestry.com Results – Now What?”

Dallas Public Library and Virtual 1515 Young Street, Dallas

Genetic Genealogy Basics – We will go over the fundamentals of DNA testing, introduce a few terms and explain why siblings can have widely different ethnicity estimates. Ancestry.com Tools & Resources – Introduces all of the features and capabilities provided by Ancestry.com to help you explore your DNA results. Break-Out Groups – We will have knowledgeable personnel on ... Read more

$15.00 – $25.00