Think about what you have to offer – expertise, skills, talents, interests, and more. Do you enjoy editing or proofreading; creating brochures, forms, or templates; or working with electronic databases and other software? Are you the “meet-and-greet” type who thrives on event planning, publicity, and hospitality? Maybe you’re active on social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram), or some other forum for promoting genealogy.
Whatever your skill, consider volunteering to help with the 2025 Texas Institute of Genealogical Research (TIGR) or other programs and events. Volunteering for TIGR is open to those planning to attend as well as those who just want to help get ready for the event. We will begin working on plans for this event in early 2024.
Volunteering is a great way to get to know TxSGS and its leaders, as well as network with fellow genealogists. In addition to TIGR, TxSGS has several committees and ongoing programs; new projects will be launched in 2024. Listed below are just a few volunteer opportunities. To learn more about each of these, email volunteers@txsgs.org.
Volunteer Opportunities
- Abstractors, indexers, data entry – help build a database of heritage certificate lineages for publication in books or on the TxSGS website.
- Communications/Publicity – using a newsletter, Mailchimp, and social media, engage TxSGS members and friends with information about events, programs, Partner Societies, and more.
- DNA Committee – work with the Early Texans DNA Project and database to review processes, web content, and future plans.
- District Representatives – serve as the TxSGS Partner Society liaison in a designated district and promote TxSGS and its events to genealogists in that district. Residence in the designated district is not required.
- Stirpes Admin – provide administrative support such as coordinating with authors and advertisers on deadlines and required materials.
- TIGR Committee – provide administrative, publicity, technical, and other support for the Texas Institute of Genealogical Research (TIGR).
- Volunteer Coordinator – identify persons interested in volunteering for TxSGS.
To learn more about these opportunities, email volunteers@txsgs.org.