The March 2019 Stirpes focuses on “Navigating the DNA Maze,” with great articles on tools and techniques for analyzing your DNA plus some success stories from fellow genealogists.
- Andy Lee describes his introduction to DNA and the amazing results in “Beginning a DNA Journey.”
- Once started on that DNA journey, most genealogists become overwhelmed with the deluge of data. Dana Leeds shows a way through the clutter using the Leeds Method with “Use DNA Match Clusters to Organize and Analyze Your Shared Matches.”
- “YDNA and Autosomnal DNA—They Can Work Together,” by Larry Youngblood, Project Administrator for the Youngblood YDNA project, shows how he used YDNA and atDNA to solve a particularly difficult research problem.
- Dozens of stories from Stirpes readers show how the average genealogist is using DNA to further their genealogical research.
In addition to DNA, this issue of Stirpes includes an East Texas family tree developed from a few family record pages from an old Bible, more information about the Texas Institute of Genealogical Research (TIGR) slated June 10-14 in Austin, the Partner Society Roundup, and more.
Want to get your copy of the March 2019 issue of Stirpes? Join or renew your membership on or before March 14 at https://www.txsgs.org/membership/membership-payment/. You’ll receive this and three more fabulous issues of Stirpes in 2019, plus a discount to our conferences.
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