11:30 a.m. CT, Saturday, February 9
Overcoming Record Loss: Overcoming Destroyed, Missing or Non-Existent Records
We all face it: record loss. Whether the courthouse burned, the clerk tossed them, the relative, the autograph hunter, the lawyer or the surveyor took them, they succumbed to heat, humidity, insects or fading ink or war or distance from the courthouse which was a barrier to their creation – the records we want – the records that could answer our questions aren’t there. The solution: in many cases, it’s possible to overcome the problem, but it requires diligence, perseverance, and willingness to look beyond the obvious
Kelvin Meyers is a fifth generation Texan who has been a professional genealogist since 1990 and an avid researcher-historian since 1979. He is a frequent speaker to many genealogical societies and family associations throughout the US.
He was employed for ten years in the Genealogy Department of the Dallas Public Library. Now, he contracts with attorneys, banks, the US Immigration Service and energy companies, as a forensic genealogist, searching for missing or unknown heirs to estates and oil and gas leases.
Kelvin is a 1989 and 1990 alumnus of the Institute of Genealogical and Historical Research at Samford University and has returned to IGHR as lecturer. In 2016 Kelvin completed the Research in States Guide for Texas, published by the National Genealogical Society. Kelvin is the Director of the Texas Institute of Genealogical Research (TIGR). He is a founding member and has served on the board of the Council for the Advancement of Forensic Genealogy. Kelvin is the chairman of the history and archives committee of First United Methodist Church in Dallas, Texas.