This Partner Society Resources page is a link to Partner Society programs and services.
District Representatives
TxSGS has 19 districts in Texas and one out-of-state district. Elected representatives from these districts provide a liaison with TxSGS for your society. The district configuration has recently been revamped to better allocate our District Representatives among our many Partner Societies. Partner Societies can identify their new district designation on the district map.
District Representatives are listed on the TxSGS leadership page and also on each individual district resource page, accessible through the TxSGS District map.
Partner Society Delegates
Each partner society is encouraged to appoint a delegate to represent the society at the annual meeting (held at the annual TxSGS Family History Conference) and to provide a point of contact for the District Representative. Update delegate names and contact information through the Partner Society Delegate Information online form, or by contacting the Director of Membership at memberinfo@txsgs.org.
Online Account
Each partner society is encouraged to access their TxSGS online account in our membership database to verify contact information and membership status. If you do not know if your society has an account or you are unable to login, contact memberinfo@txsgs.org.
To update society information or pay dues by mail, download a Partner Society Membership Form and mail it to the address on the form.
Publicity is critical for attracting attendees to your society. Through Stirpes, our Facebook group and page, membership, and eNews subscription list, we reach thousands of genealogists across Texas and the U.S. Learn more about how you can work with TxSGS to publicize your programs and activities.
Programs & Services for Partner Societies
Media Resources
Do you search for content and graphics to use in your society’s newsletter, quarterlies, journals, or ads? Media Resources has some tools for you to use. This section includes flyers and other promotional materials for events, including Partner Society logo (which can be used on your web site and in your printed materials as a TxSGS Partner Society), articles that may be published as indicated, and links to conference materials as they become available. Watch for new resources as they become available!
Speakers Bureau
Many societies find it challenging to locate genealogy speakers for meetings and workshops. Texas State Genealogical Society is committed to assisting societies with this effort through the Speakers Bureau. The Speakers Bureau includes both in-state and out-of-state speakers who are willing to present topics in Texas. Speakers who are TxSGS members have additional information about themselves and their topics available for viewing by clicking the “View Topics and More” link for the selected speaker.
See Working With Your Speakers for helpful tips for your society’s program chair.
Need more program ideas? Additional presentation resources may be available through your District Representative (www.txsgs.org/leadership/ or access your district through the District Map).
See Other Sources to find Speakers for more ideas for new and different society programs.
Help Grow the Speakers Bureau – Do you know speakers whose name is not included in the Speakers Bureau? Please share their name and contact info with speakersbureau@txsgs.org. Our Speakers Bureau manager will contact them for permission to add them to the list of speakers.
Note: Inclusion in the Speakers Bureau listing does not represent an endorsement by TxSGS.
Awards Program
Each year, TxSGS presents a variety of awards in recognition and appreciation of the dedication and commitment exhibited by individuals and societies in Texas to the genealogical community. These awards include writing awards for professionals and non-professionals, society website and newsletter awards, and recognition of volunteers.
Writing Awards
- Books – family histories, abstracted records, and reference books by non-professionals (amateur genealogists), professionals (professional genealogists), and societies;
- Manuscripts (published articles);
- Periodicals – newsletters, quarterlies, and journals;
- Student Projects – separate categories and requirements for elementary, middle school, and high school students.
- Volunteer of the Year Award – Partner Societies are encouraged to recognize one of their members as their Volunteer of the Year and nominate that person as TxSGS Volunteer of the Year.
- Student Scholarship – $1,000 to a student with plans to major in history, government, library science, or education.
- Website Awards – separate categories for Partner Societies, individual genealogy or family history, or general genealogy hosted by an individual.
All awards include a certificate and cash prize. Learn more about Awards Program specifics and submission criteria.
Did your society publish a book last year? Is your society planning to publish a book this year? If so, please contact Bill Buckner, Awards Committee Chair, at awards@txsgs.org and plan to submit your publication for awards consideration. To ensure that your book is delivered to Bill, please contact him at 254-750-5945 or awards@txsgs.org before mailing the book. Each Awards Program entry is displayed at the annual TxSGS Family History Conference along with any order information provided by your society. This is a perfect opportunity to market your publication and you might even win a prize!
See TxSGS Awards Program Benefits Societies for ideas on how the awards program can strengthen your society.
Preservation and Access Support
Are you seeking advice on how to rescue an at-risk collection, preserve materials, or otherwise conserve valuable genealogical resources? Linda Reynolds, Director, East Texas Research Center (ETRC), and TxSGS Archivist, is available for consultations on general archiving guidelines to specific issues your society may be facing. Linda is also available for assistance in writing grants for genealogical projects. Contact her at archivist@txsgs.org.
Preservation and Access Grants
TxSGS supports efforts by Partner Societies to preserve and disseminate Texas genealogical records. Partner Societies may apply for a grant up to $2,000 for a local preservation project such as records digitization; abstraction projects including printing and binding for books; preservation projects including preservation training and purchasing archival supplies; or rescuing at-risk collections. Matching funds are not required. Learn more about the grant and submission details.
Preservation Capture System
The PCS is a state-of- the-art combination of a professional camera, rigid stand, studio lighting, and powerful software. Developed to quickly and easily capture images of records, documents, and photos, the PCS is designed for easy assembly and use by the average genealogist. Volunteers from Partner Societies use the PCS to digitize records important to genealogists such as vital records, court records, tax rolls, funeral home records, local club scrapbooks, church registers, and cemetery records.
If your society is interested in using the PCS through a TxSGS Equipment Loan Grant, please contact John Wylie, PCS Committee Chair, at Outreach@txsgs.org for details. A description of the PCS program, policies for PCS use by Partner Societies, and an application form will be posted soon to www.txsgs.org.
Partner Society Publication Directory
TxSGS publishes a booklet of publications produced and available for sales by our Partner Societies. This booklet is available online and is distributed to libraries and societies throughout the U.S. Partner Societies can boost their sales by participating in this program. View a sample page and download the Publication Order Form Template for submission guidelines and the deadline to be included in this year’s Partner Societies’ Publication Directory.