The March 2019 Stirpes focuses on “Navigating the DNA Maze,” with great articles on tools and techniques for analyzing your DNA plus success stories from fellow genealogists. DNA is a great way to connect to your ancestors, discover new cousins, and break through brick walls.
Take a “Look Inside” this issue to learn more.
The upcoming June issue launches the summer, and summer for genealogists means road trips! Are you planning one this summer? Tell us where you are going and why. Are you a road warrior? What are your tips for the first-time genealogy traveler? What are some of the “can’t miss” genealogy destinations we should all have on our bucket list? Contact to learn more or to submit your article. Start now! The submission deadline is April 15.
Accessing Your Digital Stirpes
If you are a member, login to your member account and select “Stirpes – March 2019″ from the dropdown box on the right to access the latest issue.
If you are not a member, make sure you get the next issue of Stirpes—join TxSGS today to ensure that you receive the June 2019 issue as soon as it comes off the press.