TxSGS maintains a Speakers Bureau as a dual benefit for our Partner Societies and for our members who are genealogical speakers.
About the Speakers Bureau
Many societies struggle with locating good speakers for meetings and workshops. Texas State Genealogical Society is committed to assisting societies with this effort. The Speakers Bureau includes both in-state and out-of-state speakers who are willing to be presenters in Texas. Speakers who are TxSGS members have additional information about themselves and their topics available for viewing by clicking the “View PDF” link.
Joining the Speakers Bureau
The Speakers Bureau is open to any genealogical speaker willing to speak in Texas. If you would like to be added, please complete our Speaker Information form or contact our Membership Director by email at membership@txsgs.org.
Other Speakers & Topics
These organizations may help you locate a speaker:
- Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society – Speakers Bureau
- Arizona Genealogical Advisory Board – Speakers Bureau Directory
- Colorado Council of Genealogical Societies – Genealogical Speakers Bureau Directory
- Conference Keepers – Genealogy Speakers
- Cyndi’s List – Professional, Volunteers & Other Research Services – Speakers & Authors
- Florida State Genealogical Society – Speakers Bureau
- Genealogical Speakers Guild – Directory of Members
- Georgia Genealogical Society – Speakers Directory
- International Society of Genetic Genealogy – ISOGG Speakers
- Nebraska State Genealogical Society – Nebraska Speakers
- North Carolina Chapter, Association of Professional Genealogists – Find A Professional
- Southern California Genealogical Society – Speakers Bureau
- Ulster Historical Foundation – See their current Lecture Tour
You can also reach out to speakers on the Genealogy Speaker + Society Connection Facebook group.
TxSGS Speakers Bureau Directory
The information below is provided to us by the speakers and is subject to change. The general location of Texas speakers is indicated by district number; the district map shows where each district is located. To find speakers in a district, use your browser’s search function to search for “District” and the desired district number; i.e., “District L” for the Austin area.
You can view (and download an Excel or CSV version) of this information by Clicking Here.
Please note that inclusion in the Speakers Bureau is not an endorsement by TxSGS.
Abbott, Deborah Ph.D.
- Location: Cleveland, Cuyahoga, OH 44128
- Phone: 216-956-1346 (M)
- Phone: 216-752-5471 (H)
- Email: dbrhabbott@yahoo.com
African American Genealogy, Slavery, Methodology, Cluster Genealogy, Census, Case Studies
Alfano, Vincenzo
- Location: Napoli Italy
- Phone: +393343094311 (H)
- Email: v.alfano@italiancestors.com
Statistics and genealogy, Research in Italy, Nobility, Heraldry
Reviewed/Revised: 06/19/2021
Allen, Judy
- Location: Arlington, Tarrant, TX 76002
- TxSGS District: F
- Phone: 817-557-8120 (O)
- Email: jwk45@sbcglobal.net
Altman-Newell, Dannell
Talking Box Genealogy
- Location: Overland Park, Johnson, KS 66215
- Phone: 913-353-8719 (O)
- Email: talkingboxgenealogy@gmail.com
World War I, Military, Fraternal Organizations, Techology-related topics (software, internet, social media, cloud-computing, apps and web tools, and other tech topics as requested), Midwest, other topics upon request.
Appleton, David
TxSGS Member
Appleton Studios
- Location: Duncanville, Dallas, TX 75116
- TxSGS District: G
- Phone: 214-354-7555 (M)
- Email: davidbappleton@att.net
- Website: https://www.appletonstudios.com
- Blog: http://blog.appletonstudios.com/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/https://www.facebook.com/David.B.Appleton
Heraldry (coats of arms, family crests), New England genealogy, writing and sharing family history, genealogical tourism.
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
Azios, Henry
- Location: Harris, TX
- TxSGS District: R
- Phone: 713-412-4779 (O)
- Email: Quetzal3@msn.com
History of Mexico through Art, Mexican History, Family History Writing
Barker, Melissa
- Location: Tennessee Ridge, Houston, TN 37178
- Phone: 931-627-5106 (M)
- Email: melissabarker20@hotmail.com
- Blog: http://agenealogistinthearchives.blogspot.com/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/https://www.facebook.com/melissa.barker.564
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/https://twitter.com/TNArchivist
Researching in Archives, Records Preservation, Genealogy Records Organization
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
Bettag, Claire CG
- Location: Washington, District of Columbia, DC 20007
- Phone: 202-625-2598 (H)
- Phone: 202-436-2121 (M)
Federal land records at NARA, Bounty Land Records at NARA, Assumptions in Genealogy, other topics, contact for info
Bowles, David A
TxSGS Member
Westward Sagas
- Location: San Antonio, Bexar, TX 78270
- TxSGS District: P
- Phone: 210-827-4122 (H)
- Email: david@westwardsagas.com
- Website: https://www.westwardsagas.com
Brennan, Nancy
TxSGS Member
- Location: San Antonio, Bexar, TX 78218
- TxSGS District: P
- Phone: 210-824-5829 (O)
- Email: nwbrennan@sbcglobal.net
Huguenot Research, Internet Research, Mayflower Lineage, DAR, State Censuses, etc.
Additional Information: View PDF
Brim-DeForest, Brady
- Location: Wellington, Collingsworth, TX 79095
- TxSGS District: A
- Phone: 213-268-0395 (M)
- Email: bradybd@gmail.com
Reviewed/Revised: 02/25/2024
Brinsko, Eleanor
- Location: Sun Prairie, Dane, WI 53590
- Phone: 608-516-1507 (M)
- Email: eleanor@carlongenealogy.com
- Website: https://www.carlongenealogy.com
- Blog: https://www.carlongenealogy.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/www.facebook.com/CarlonGenealogy
Scandinavian Genealogy, Midwestern Genealogy, Genealogical Evidence, Libraries and Genealogy
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
Broglin, Jana Sloan CG
- Location: Swanton, Fulton, OH 43558
- Phone: 419-825-5437 (H)
- Email: jana@janabroglin.com
- Website: http://www.janabroglin.com/
Ohio, Methodology, Newspapers, Census and Prostitution
Reviewed/Revised: ARRAY(0x26ab490)
Bryant, Marynell
TxSGS Member
- Location: Sulphur Springs, Hoplins, TX 75482
- TxSGS District: D
- Phone: 903-439-5412 (M)
- Phone: 903-885-3523 (H)
- Email: marynellabryant@verizon.net
DNA, War of 1812, Research Methodology, Courthouse, Census, Handwriting
Additional Information: View PDF
Reviewed/Revised: 02/02/2023
Buckner, Bill
TxSGS Member
Waco McLennan County Library
- Location: Temple, McLennan, TX 76502
- TxSGS District: H
- Phone: 254-295-6668 (M)
- Phone: 254-750-5995 (W)
- Email: billb@wacotx.gov
- Email: bbuckner@ci.waco.tx.us
Beginners classes, immigration, census, maiden names, military
Additional Information: View PDF
Buffat, Stephen J
- Location: Springfield, Green, MO
- Phone: 417-576-4524 (O)
- Email: sjbuffat@sbcglobal.net
Revolutionary War, War of 1812 & Civil War, Research Methodology, Research Organization
Camacho, Esther
TxSGS Member
- Location: Portland, San Patricio, TX 78374
- TxSGS District: S
- Phone: 361-633-1970 (H)
- Email: esther.camacho3@gmail.com
- Email: esther.camacho3@gmail.com
Beginning and Intermediate Genealogy, including Hispanic Genealogy. Texas and Mexico research, and cemetery research.
Reviewed/Revised: 08/20/2021
Cimino, Nick
- Location: League City, Galveston, TX 77573
- TxSGS District: R
- Phone: 713-447-6397 (H)
- Email: Ancestorpuzzles@gmail.com
- Email: ancestorpuzzles@gmail.com
- Blog: http://www.ancestorpuzzles.com/
Beginners, Computer, Internet, Italian, Irish, and Native American Research
Coakley, Barbara
TxSGS Member
- Location: Dallas, Collin, TX 75252
- TxSGS District: C
- Phone: 972-998-5246 (M)
- Email: bcoakley1620@gmail.com
- Website: https://coakleysennottfamilyhistory.weebly.com/
Research Planning, Organization, Newspapers, Deed, Homestead, Death Records, Census Records, Microsoft OneNote, Collateral Research, Location Research
Additional Information: View PDF
Reviewed/Revised: 11/29/2023
Cochran, Sara
The Skeleton Whisperer
- Location: Moreno Valley, CA 92551
- Phone: 951-269-5460 (M)
- Email: theskeletonwhisperer@yahoo.com
- Website: https://www.theskeletonwhisperer.com
- Blog: https://theskeletonwhisperer.com/the-stories-we-unearth/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/facebook.com/theskeletonwhisperer/
Ireland, Newspapers, DNA, Photos and Preservation, Oral History, Methodology, Scotland, 1890 census, Research planning, Methodology
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
Cook, Carrie Ann
- Location: Wyandotte, Ottowa, OK 74370
- Phone: 918-542-1160 (H)
- Email: carrie@gregathcompany.com
- Website: http://www.gregathcompany.com/workshop/speakers/carrie.html
Travels Well, Terms Negotiable, Concentration on Beginners and Skill Building
Cooke, Lisa
Lisa Louise Cooke’s Genealogy Gems
- Location: Rhome, Wise, TX 76078
- TxSGS District: B
- Phone: 925-272-4021 (W)
- Email: genealogygemspodcast@gmail.com
- Website: https://lisalouisecooke.com/bookings/
- Blog: https://lisalouisecooke.com/bookings/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/https://www.facebook.com/GenealogyGems
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/https://lisalouisecooke.com/#
- YouTube: https://youtube.com/genealogygems
- Instagram: @genealogygemspodcast
Customized keynote presentations. General presentation topics include technology topics (including expertise in Google Search, using Google Earth for genealogy, Google Lens, Evernote, etc.), Research Methodology & Cold Case Strategies, Organization, Record Research, Preservation, Story & Sharing, Geography & Mapping, Newspapers, Photograph Identification, Video Creation. Please visit https://lisalouisecooke.com/bookings/
Reviewed/Revised: 02/26/2023
Covington, Elizabeth
- Location: Flower Mound, Denton, TX 75028
- TxSGS District: C
- Email: liztales@hotmail.com
Living History Stories in 1st person and costume, along with myths, legends, fairy and folk tales
Crowley, Sandra
TxSGS Director of Development
Texas State Genealogical Society, Mid-Cities Genealogical Society
- Location: BEDFORD, Tarrant, TX 76021
- TxSGS District: F
- Phone: 817-937-3764
- Email: scrowley01@gmail.com
- Website: http://www.crowleysplace.com/ (under construction)
Records & Methodology, Resources, Collateral Research, Timelines, Digital Photography, Movie Making, Going Mobile, Beginning Genealogy & More
Dardashti, Schelly Talalay
- Location: Rio Rancho, Sandoval, NM 87124
- Phone: 646-404-4516 (M)
- Phone: 505-994-1554 (O)
- Email: schelly@tracingthetribe.com
- Website: http://tracingthetribe.com/
Jewish Genealogy & Resources (Ashkenazi/Sephardic/crypto-Jewish) DNA, Blogging, Social Media/Networking
Debe, Linda
- Location: Harrisburg, Cabarrus, NC 78075
- Phone: 704-699-8370 (M)
- Email: thesleeplessgenealogist@gmail.com
- Website: https://thesleeplessgenealogist.com
- Blog: https://thesleeplessgenealogist.com/blog
- YouTube: https://youtube.com/LindaDebe
Google My Maps, Pre 1850 Census Analysis, Apps for your Genealogy Toolbox, WWI records, Track Ancestry records when you dont sync, Abstracts, Extracts, and Transcriptions,
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
Felihkatubbe, Jason
- Location: Wichita, KS
- Email: jfelihkatubbe@yahoo.com
Native American Indian Genealogy, Genetic Genealogy, Oklahoma Genealogy
Reviewed/Revised: 01/05/2023
Flack, Teri E.
TxSGS Member
- Location: Austin, Travis, TX 78733
- TxSGS District: L
- Phone: 512-762-5733 (O)
- Email: flack.teri@gmail.com
- Email: txrpac@txsgs.org
- Twitter: ARRAY(0x26ab310)
Research Methods, Land, Probate & Courthouse Records, Texas Research, Maps, Historical Content
Additional Information: View PDF
Fogarty, Billie
- Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, OK 73118
- Phone: 405-203-1274 (O)
- Email: Billiefogarty@aol.com
- Website: https://www.genealogicalspeakersguild.org
Lecture titles are listed on my website.
Fonkert, Jay CG
- Location: St Paul, Ramsey, MN
- Phone: 651-735-8630 (O)
- Email: jfonkert@aol.com
- Website: https://fourgenerationsgenealogy.wordpress.com
Research Methods, Genealogical Writing, Midwest Genealogy, Dutch Genealogy & Migration
Gillespie, Patti
TxSGS Member
Wise County Genealogical Society
- Location: Decatur, Wise, TX 76234
- TxSGS District: B
- Phone: 940-328-2104 (O)
- Email: famlstories@gmail.com
- Website: https://www.familylinesandstories.com
My presentations emphasize fun, clarity, documents, strategies and stories.
Additional Information: View PDF
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
Gordon, Pat
TxSGS Member
Books & Things
- Location: Fort Worth, Tarrant, TX 76163
- TxSGS District: F
- Email: patg1@att.net
Civil Conservation Corp/Work Progress Administration, Digitizing Your Research, Writing & Layouts, Underutilized Sources, Newspapers & TX Research
Additional Information: View PDF
Gray, Connie
- Location: Driftwood, Hays, TX 78619
- TxSGS District: L
- Phone: 512-930-2422 (H)
- Email: texasconniegray@gmail.com
- Email: texasadopteerights@gmail.com
Adoption Research, Adoptee Rights
Gredler, Sara
- Location: North Salt Lake, Davis, UT 84054
- Phone: 540-905-2730 (O)
- Email: sarakg@yepmail.net
- Website: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~sarakath/
- Blog: http://sararoots.blogspot.com
DNA, Methodology, Cluster Genealogy, War of 1812, Internet Research, Reunion for Mac, Organization, History for Genealogists
Hanson, Tony
TxSGS Member
- Location: Dallas, Dallas, TX 75218
- TxSGS District: G
- Phone: 972-743-5536 (O)
- Email: aehanson@swbell.net
- Email: ah0265@gmail.com
- Website: https://www.rayson.us/aehanson/presentations/
- Blog: https://www.rayson.us/aehanson/stories/
Technology as it applies to genealogy | Cyber Security | DNA Tools provided by Ancestry and MyHeritage | Family Search Family Tree | Atlantic Shipping Records | Hosting Virtual Meetings | Moving Printed Documents Into The Cloud
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
Henriks, Diane
- Location: Los Angeles County, CA
- Email: dianehenriksgenealogist@gmail.com
- Website: https://www.knowwhowearsthegenesinyourfamily.com
- Blog: https://www.knowwhowearsthegenesinyourfamily.com/blog
DNA, Methodology, Specialty Topics, AI, Writing & Publishing, Records, Beginning Genealogy, Descendant Research, Living People Search, Unknown Parentage, Brick Wall Research, Other
Hibben, Jean Wilcox Ph.D., M.A., CG
- Location: Perris, Riverside, CA 92570
- Phone: 925-780-1799 (O)
- Email: circlemending@gmail.com
- Email: jean@circlemending.org
- Website: http://www.circlemending.org
Historic Musical Programs. Visit Texas at least once a year in the Dallas area.
Hill, Richard
Genetic Genealogy
virtual or in person
- Location: Michigan
- Email: RichardHillDNA@gmail.com
- Website: dnafavorites.com/genealogy-speaker.html
- Blog: dnafavorites.com/dna-testing-blog.html
- Facebook: facebook.com/dnafavorites/
Finding Your Family with DNA Testing, Genetic Genealogy Today, Comparing DNA Ethnicity Estimates, Y-Chromosome Insights & Strategies, Mastering the MyHeritage DNA Test
updated: 2/17/2025
Hogan, Roseann Ph.D.
TxSGS Member
Ancestry Research
- Location: HENDERSON, Clark, NV 89052
- Phone: 702-900-0760 (O)
- Email: roseann@ancestryresearchservices.com
- Website: https://ancestryresearchservices.com
Early Czech-Texan families, South East US research, Kentucky (author of Kentucky Ancestry), Social Context of our families lives & family memory books
Holik, Jennifer
- Location: Woodridge, IL 60517
- Phone: 630-802-0947 (M)
- Email: jennifer@ancestralsouls.com
- Website: https://www.ancestralsoulswisdomschool.com/
- Blog: https://www.ancestralsoulswisdomschool.com/blog
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF1MSuxjfTkI-xGTUDdOlnw
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jenniferholik/
WWI/WWII Military Research & Writing, Genograms, Ancestral Lineage Healing, Inherited Trauma, Ancestral Communication, Family History Writing, Family Patterns
Reviewed/Revised: 09/11/2022
Holmes, Janelle
TxSGS Member
- Location: Abilene, Taylor, TX 79602
- TxSGS District: E
- Phone: 512-626-7771 (O)
- Email: janellehlms@gmail.com
Indentured Servitude in Colonial America, The Valiant Women of Poultney, Vt
Reviewed/Revised: 02/25/2024
Horowitz, Daniel
- Location: KfarSaba 44233 Israel
- Phone: 732-579-9885 (M)
- Email: daniel@myheritage.com
- Email: daniel@genealogy.org.il
- Website: http://www.searchingformyroots.com
- Blog: https://www.myheritage.com/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/https://www.facebook.com/daniel.horowitz.5205/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/https://twitter.com/MyHChiefGen
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@daniel.horowitz
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/horowitz_daniel/
Genealogy Techniques, Technology, Software, Israel, Jewish, Latin America and more at http://www.searchingformyroots.com
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
Howard, Kate Penney
- Location: Columbia City, IN 46725
- Phone: 260-443-1093 (M)
- Email: katepenneyhoward@gmail.com
Kate Penney Howard is a genetic genealogist, specializing in brick walls and endogamy. During a bout with cancer, she discovered that she loves sharing her knowledge with other genealogists. Kate has presented at numerous conferences and local genealogical societies. She’s entertaining and has a knack for explaining complicated things in a way that everyone can understand.
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
Ingram, Donna
- Location: Spicewood, Travis, TX 78669
- TxSGS District: L
- Phone: 830-693-1641 (O)
- Email: tell.write@gmail.com
- Website: http://www.donnaingham.com
Texas tale teller and author
Jonas, Linda
TxSGS Member
Cross Timbers Genealogical Society
- Location: Lake Kiowa, Cooke, TX 76240
- TxSGS District: C
- Phone: 240-838-2126 (H)
- Email: Ljonas1@gmail.com
All aspects of DNA for genealogy including Introduction to DNA for Family History, Breaking Brick Walls through Y-DNA, and much more.
Jones, Henry Jr., FASG, FGBS
- Location: San Diego, San Diego, CA 92196
- Email: hzj3@aol.com
- Website: http://www.hankjones.com
Specialties and talks: See website
Jones, Martha PhD
TxSGS Member
- Location: Victoria, Victoria, TX 77904
- TxSGS District: Q
- Phone: 361-575-5017 (O)
- Email: mjejones@hotmail.com
Beginning Genealogy Workshops
Additional Information: View PDF
Karsen, Mike
- Location: IL
- Phone: 847-945-4499 (O)
- Phone: 847-682-1571 (O)
- Email: mike@MikeKarsen.com
- Email: Karsen.Mike@gmail.com
- Website: http://www.mikekarsen.com
Specialty: Writing Family Histories. Presentations available via Skype.
Kaufman, Susan
TxSGS Member
Clayton Library Friends; Inc.
- Location: Dunlap, Peoria, IL 61525
- Phone: 260-312-6621 (M)
- Phone: 832-393-2602 (W)
- Email: education@txsgs.org
Using Libraries and Archives, Preparing for research trips, Social History, Unusual Sources
Additional Information: View PDF
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
Khuda, Alina
- Location: Dublin, Dublin Ireland
- Phone: 083-029-4113 (H)
- Email: khudalina@gmail.com
- Website: https://khudagenealogicalservices.com
Eastern European Research, Galician Jewish Research, Greece, Baltic Countries: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, German Colonists in Russian Empire, Ukraine, Russia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Poland, Moldova, Belarus, Heir-Search, Locating missing beneficiaries
Reviewed/Revised: 11/08/2022
Kincade, Glenn
- Location: Dallas, Dallas, TX 75243
- TxSGS District: G
- Phone: 214-349-3808 (O)
- Email: glennkinkade@gmail.com
Probate, Colonial Research, Church Records, Genealogy Computer Lectures
LaPoint, Shera
TxSGS Member
- Location: Bunkie, Avoyelles, LA 71322
- Phone: 318-240-3742 (O)
- Email: shera@thegenehunter.com
- Website: http://thegenehunter.com
Basic DNA, Law Enforcement use of Genetic Genealogy, Cajun DNA and Endogamy.
Additional Information: View PDF
Lacopo, Michael DVM
- Location: Granger, St Joseph, IN 46530 ARRAY(0x26ab1d8)
- Phone: 574-271-0757 (O)
- Email: inpowermac@mac.com
- Email: info@Roots4U.com
- Website: http://www.roots4u.com/Roots4U/Welcome.html
Swiss & German Research, Mennonite Research, Midwest/Middle Atlantic State Research
Lauer, Nancy Waters
- Location: Ellicott City, Howard, MD
- Phone: 410-707-7505 (O)
- Email: nwlauer@nwlauer.com
Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint for Genealogists
Lawson, Leslie Brinkley
- Location: Aloha, Washington, OR 97078
- Phone: 503-649-6679 (O)
- Email: Leslie@LawsonResearch.net
- Website: https://lawsonresearch.net
Forensic Genealogy, Oregon research, Lecturing, and more. Please see website.
Lee, Andrew
Andrew Lee
- Location: Humble, Harris, TX 77346
- TxSGS District: R
- Phone: 281-450-4971 (O)
- Phone: 281-552-7288 (O)
- Email: andy@familyhistoryfanatics.com
- Email: info@familyhistoryfanatics.com
- Website: https://www.familyhistoryfanatics.com
Genetic Genealogy, British Research, Cool Tools, Methodology, Interviewing, Writing and Publishing
Lee, Devon Noel
Family History Fanatics
- Location: Humble, Harris, TX 77346
- TxSGS District: R
- Phone: 281-552-7288 (O)
- Email: info@familyhistoryfanatics.com
- Email: devon@familyhistoryfanatics.com
- Website: https://www.familyhistoryfanatics.com
Writing family history, beginning genealogy, methodology, and more.
Liljenberg, Lezlee
TxSGS Member
Lezlee Liljenberg-Author
- Location: Arlington, Tarrant, TX 76001
- TxSGS District: F
- Phone: 817-999-2463 (O)
- Email: lezlee6612@gmail.com
- Website: https://www.iamlezlee.com
- Blog: https://www.iamlezlee.com
I recently published a book of my personal DNA Surprise and Journey to the truth. “If You Only Knew: Navigating DNA Surprises and The NPE World”. My presentation touches on areas that many genealogist do not encounter in their daily research projects, but I find are interesting topics to many . I approach NPEs (Not-Parent Expected) situations and Centimorgan information. My presentation is interactive and audience inclusive.
Reviewed/Revised: 02/25/2024
Little, Barbara Vines
- Location: Orange, Orange, VA 22960
- Phone: 540-832-3473 (O)
- Email: bvlittle@earthlink.net
Methodology, Virginia research sources
Lloyd, Ruth
- Location: Grand Prairie, Dallas, TX 75052
- TxSGS District: G
- Phone: 214-384-4910 (O)
- Email: frlloyd@sbcglobal.net
- Website: https://www.txsgs.org/TSGS/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/2018-Ruth-Lloyd-Speaker-Pro
Jewish Genealogy, Second Generation of Holocaust Survivors
Loe, Nancy
Sassy Jane Genealogy
- Location: San Luis Obispo, CA
- Phone: 805-234-7357 (M)
- Email: sassy.jane.mail@gmal.com
- Website: https://www.sassyjanegenealogy.com/
- Blog: https://www.sassyjanegenealogy.com/blog
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/https://www.facebook.com/sassyjane.genealogy
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sjgenealogy/?hl=en
Complete list of available presentations at www.sassyjanegenealogy.com/presentations
Reviewed/Revised: 09/24/2021
Lovelace, Janice
- Location: Bothell, Snohomish; Washington; United States | Lat; Long, WA 98021
- Phone: 425-280-3143 (O)
- Email: janicelovelace2@gmail.com
African American Research, Courthouse, Native American Research, Methodology, Newspapers, Women’s Records Flexible for travel – family in Dallas
Lowe, Marjorie
TX State Genealogical Society
- Location: Katy, Harris, TX 77493
- TxSGS District: R
- Phone: 832-801-7063 (M)
- Email: mlowe2631@gmail.com
Researching: Five Tribes Dawes Rolls and Beyond, Cherokee Removal, 1838-1839, and Cherokee Militia, War of 1812, at Battle of Horseshoe Bend.
MacEntee, Thomas
- Location: Chicago, Cook, IL 60640
- Phone: 773-612-0153 (M)
- Email: hidefgen@gmail.com
- Website: https://hidefgen@gmail.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/https://www.facebook.com/tmacentee
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/https://twitter.com/geneabargains
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/genealogybargains/
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
Masters, Nancy Tobinson
- Location: Abilene, Taylor, TX 79601
- TxSGS District: E
- Phone: 325-672-3087 (O)
- Email: masair@abilene.com
- Website: http://www.nancyrobinsonmasters.com
Motivational Speaker: Getting Paid to Write Your Roots session presenter
McCarty, Larry
- Location: Grand Prairie, Dallas, TX 75052
- TxSGS District: G
- Phone: 214-476-4300 (O)
- Email: larni@aol.com
African-American researcher whose ancestors were slaves connected to Samuel Clemens
Meisner, Bernard Ph.D., CCM
TxSGS Member
- Location: Bedford, Tarrant, TX 76021
- TxSGS District: F
- Phone: 817-575-7451 (M)
- Email: genealogytalks@att.net
- Email: bernard.meisner@att.net
German and Irish Research, Genealogical Tools (spreadsheets, timeline, maps), Census Records, DNA Basics, Effective Searching Strategies (underused Web sites, collateral lines, naming practices).
Additional Information: View PDF
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
Meyers, Kelvin
TxSGS Member
- Location: Dallas, 29, TX 75219
- TxSGS District: G
- Phone: 469-964-2151 (O)
- Email: klm4343@yahoo.com
Additional Information: View PDF
Mills, Betsy
TxSGS Member
Lamar County Genealogical Society
- Location: Paris, Lamar, TX 75460
- TxSGS District: D
- Phone: 903-249-2493 (M)
- Phone: 903-669-3353 (H)
- Email: betsyamills@gmail.com
- Email: treasurer@txsgs.org
- Website: https://www.betsyamills.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/https://www.facebook.com/betsyamills
Identifying and Preserving Old Photographs, Color-Coding Your Research, Census, Civil War Re-enacting, Fact from fiction, USGenWeb
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
Moughty, Donna
- Location: Lakewood Ranch, Manatee, FL 34202
- Phone: 203-247-0878 (O)
- Email: oughty@mac.com
- Website: http://www.moughty.com
Specializing in Irish research, conducts annual research trips to Ireland, also lectures on methodology, health history, technology and the Internet. Gives Webinar Lectures
Piecznski, Jeannette
- Location: Pearland, Brazoria, TX 77581
- TxSGS District: R
- Phone: 832-274-0445 (O)
- Email: acourtresearch@gmail.com
- Website: http://lonestargenealogy.com/speaker.html
Pointer, Caroline M.
TxSGS Member
- Location: Conroe, Montgomery, TX 77385
- TxSGS District: N
- Phone: 281-610-1084 (H)
- Email: CMPointer@gmail.com
Additional Information: View PDF
Porter, Melody
- Location: Ponte Vedra, FL 32081
- Phone: 229-379-1609 (O)
- Email: southernancestor@yahoo.com
Native American & African American Beg. Research, Census, Citing Sources, GA/FL. Melody travels to the Lake Conroe area of Texas on a regular basis and will speak to Texas Societies with expenses based on that location.
Powell, Elissa Scalise CG
Powell Genealogical Services
- Location: Wexford, Allegheny, PA 15090
- Phone: 724-935-6961 (H)
- Email: elissa@powellgenealogy.com
- Website: https://www.PowellGenealogy.com
Methodology, Pennsylvania, Professional Development, ALSO has Family in Austin area.
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
Raney, Don
- Location: Garland, Dallas, TX 75043
- TxSGS District: G
- Phone: 972-278-3381 (H)
- Email: donraney@tx.rr.com
Reed, Lisa
Lisa Reed Research
- Location: Lawrence, Douglas, KS 66047
- Phone: 903-288-7253 (H)
- Phone: 913-802-4026 (O)
- Email: LisaReedResearch@gmail.com
- Website: https://www.lisakayreed.com/
Writing, Analysis, Research, Beginner, Intermediate, Cemeteries, Norwegian, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, South Dakota
Reynolds, Linda
TxSGS Member
- Location: Nacogdoches, Nacogdoches, TX 75962
- TxSGS District: O
- Phone: 936-468-1562 (W)
- Phone: 936-468-7610 (O)
- Email: lreynolds@sfasu.edu
- Email: archivist@txsgs.org
- Website: https://files/speakers.csv
East Texas Research Center, Preserving Family Treasures, Digitizing & Cemetery Projects
Richard, Diane
- Location: Raleigh, Wake, NC 27604
- Phone: 919-231-8137 (W)
- Email: dianelrichard@mosaicrpm.com
- Website: http://www.mosaicrpm.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/https://www.facebook.com/dianelr/
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DianeRichard
Southern research (NC to TX), African American research, online resources, research strategies, under-utilized resources, and more. My website contains list of current topics ==> under Experience, check out Titles & Topics
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
Richardson, Emily
TxSGS Member
- Location: Denton, Denton, TX 76207
- TxSGS District: C
- Phone: 610-513-9123 (O)
- Email: kinsearchers@gmail.com
- Website: https://kinsearchers.weebley.com/
- Blog: https://kinsearchers.weebly.com
Records including Census, Military, Newspapers, Deeds, Social History, Timelines, Methodology including Research Questions, Brick Walls, Lineage Societies
Reviewed/Revised: 04/22/2021
Richardson, Kim
Brick Wall Buster Cards
- Location: Oxford, Lafayette, MS 38655
- Phone: 601-540-6422 (M)
- Email: kim@brickwallbustercards.com
- Website: https://www.brickwallbustercards.com
- Blog: https://www.brickwallbustercards.com/blog
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/https://www.facebook.com/brickwallbustercards
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brickwallbustercards/
New Strategy for Brick Walls, Courthouse Research, Organizing, Genealogical Wills, Cluster/Collateral Research, Handling Genealogy Secrets Ethically, Census Research, How Do I Know My Sources are “Good” and My Research is Accurate? , Tagging, Organizing, and Saving Heirlooms and Photographs, Mind Mapping, Relatively Cheap Genealogy: Research and Education for the Frugal
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
Roddy, Mary Kircher
MKR Genealogy
- Location: Seattle, King, WA 98115
- Phone: 206-550-7425 (M)
- Email: mroddyn3@msn.com
- Website: https://www.mkrgenealogy.com
- Blog: https://www.mkrgenealogy.com/searching-for-stories-blog
Newspapers, Spreadsheets, Methodology – see website
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
Sellers, John
TxSGS Member
- Location: Sulphur Springs, Hopkins, TX 75482
- TxSGS District: D
- Phone: 903-335-0707 (M)
- Phone: 903-438-4831 (W)
- Email: sellersj1@verizon.net
Specializing in Courthouse Research
Smith, Dan
- Location: Fort Worth, Tarrant, TX 76133
- TxSGS District: F
- Phone: 817-292-9737 (O)
- Email: DanLSmith@mindspring.com
Spencer, Michelle
- Location: Millbrook, Elmore, AL 36054
- Phone: 334-649-0114 (M)
- Email: RomaMaryGrace@gmail.com
- Website: https://romamarygrace.com
- Blog: https://romamarygrace.com/rmgblog
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/https://www.facebook.com/RomaMaryGrace
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCegAbgZwQ2IJk10t1yCA_yw
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/romamarygrace/
Find your ancestor in the National Register of Historic Places’ – A Genealogist’s Guide to Sanborn Maps, Spanish Influenza & Your Family, Uncover Your Ancestor in Unusual Government Records, Germans in 1920s America: Patriotism, Prohibition, and (k)ein Prosit, Researching Your Ancestor’s Brick & Mortar, Getting the Most from Online Newspaper Research,
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
St. Denis, Louise
- Location: Toronto, Ontario, ON Canada
- Phone: 800-580-0165 (O)
- Email: stdenis@genealogicalstudies.com
- Website: https://www.genealogicalstudies.com/eng/leaders-staff.asp?employeeID=27
Methodology, Canadian Records, French Canadians, Reunions, Distance Education & others
St. John, Noah
- Location: North Canton, Stark, OH 44720
- Phone: 330-730-1727 (W)
- Email: noah@drnoahstjohn.com
- Website: https://BookNoah.com
- Blog: https://BookNoah.com
- YouTube: https://WatchNoahTV.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/noahstjohn
The Power Habits of Legendary Leadership
Taplin, Cari CG
- Location: Longmont, Boulder, CO 80503
- Phone: 303-358-5761 (M)
- Email: cat.taplin@gmail.com
- Website: https://genealogypants.com
- Blog: https://genealogypants.com/pantspockets/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/https://www.facebook.com/GenealogyPants
See my list at: https://genealogypants.com/lecture-topics/
Reviewed/Revised: 104
Thomas , Keshia
- Location: Houston, Harris, TX 75835
- TxSGS District: R
- Phone: 619-410-2583 (M)
- Email: keshiathomasfoundation@gmail.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/https://www.facebook.com/keshia.thomas.986
The hero in all of us How a leader develops leaders stand alone to stand apart Civil and Human Rights The African American experience, is an American experience The power of one Developing leadership in the next generation Character, easier kept than recovered Change your mind change your life What will you use your life for? To err is human, to forgive is divine The importance of manners and etiquette in a world of “me first†How to be a “Hero†anti-bullying for all Two wolves inside of us all and how to feed the “good wolf†Timing is everything, the importance of patients Team work, really makes the dream work Understanding your own biases and how to get over them You don’t have to fight all battles, know when to walk away, know when to run Peace is possible, how to create a better society The world is not as bad as it seems, hope for tomorrow Diversity, how it enriches your life
Reviewed/Revised: 11/14/2022
Thomas, Dorina Alaniz Ph.D.
- Location: Dallas, Dallas, TX 75228
- TxSGS District: G
- Phone: 214-642-0739 (M)
- Email: dorinat@tx.rr.com
Hispanic Family Records, Ranch (South Texas) cemeteries, Old Spanish Records
Thomas, Larry
TxSGS Member
Gilshot Enterprises Consulting; LLC
- Location: POWDER SPRINGS, GA 30127
- Phone: 678-819-4057 (O)
- Phone: 770-891-0044 (O)
- Email: larryt@atlantagenealogy.com
- Website: https://www.AtlantaGenealogy.com
- Blog: https://www.AtlantaGenealogy.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/https://www.facebook.com/AtlantaGenealogy
Complete list located at https://atlantagenealogy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/2022-Synopsis-of-Larry-W-Thomas-Presentations.pdf
Additional Information: View PDF
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
Thornhill, Jim
TxSGS Member
- Location: Fate, Rockwall, TX 75189
- TxSGS District: G
- Phone: 469-516-1064 (M)
- Email: james.r.thornhill@gmail.com
- Website: https://www.heroesofthepast.com
Methodology, in depth census, context our ancestors lived in, research techniques, writing, custom presentations, workshops or seminars available on request with advanced notice
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
Thornton, Lori
TxSGS Member
- Location: Morristown, Hamblen, TN 37814
- Phone: 423-748-0400 (M)
- Phone: 423-317-0383 (H)
- Email: lorithornton@gmail.com
- Website: https://www.thorntongenealogy.com
Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, church records, writing, newspapers, social media, using repositories, contact me for full updated list with titles
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
Thurston, Dawn Parrett 1
- Location: Villa Park, Orange, CA 92861
- Phone: 714-974-1878 (O)
- Email: dawn@memoirmentor.com
- Website: http://www.memoirmentor.com/
Specialty: Writing Family History Narratives, Memoirs, and Personal Histories
Titus, O. Lynn
- Location: Grand Prairie, Dallas, TX 75052
- TxSGS District: G
- Phone: 972-264-7789 (O)
- Phone: 469-222-1854 (M)
- Email: lynnandrotitus@tx.rr.com
1st Person period dress reenactment of pioneer James Titus (1775-1843)
Vestal, Pam
Generations Genealogy
- Location: West Linn, Clackamas, OR 97068
- Phone: 503-956-1058 (M)
- Email: generationsgen@gmail.com
- Website: https://www.generationsgen.com/
Lecture topics and interactive workshops include: overcoming difficult handwriting, writing engaging genealogy stories your relatives will want to read, identifying ancestral locations, why they left, where they went, and what their journeys can reveal, filling in the stories of female ancestors, voting records, and more.
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
Villareal, Becky
TxSGS Member
Genealogy for Children
- Location: Garland, Dallas, TX 75040
- TxSGS District: G
- Phone: 972-494-2855 (H)
- Phone: 214-335-1852 (M)
- Email: villarealbecky@gmail.com
- Website: https://beckyvillareal.com
- Blog: https://www.facebook.com/groups/396048537238977
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@BeckyVillarealbeckyreadbooks
- Instagram: bvillareal2019
How to get Children Involved | Setting up a Family Event | Importance of Oral History | Passing the Gauntlet
Reviewed/Revised: 08/16/2024
Voskamp, John
Dripping Springs Community Library
- Location: Dripping Springs, Hays, TX
- TxSGS District: L
- Phone: 512-858-7825 (H)
- Email: adultservices@dscl.org
- Website: https://www.dscl.org
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/https://www.facebook.com/DrippingSpringsCommunityLibrary
Possible Introduction to Genealogy program for patrons of our library – via zoom
Reviewed/Revised: 10/08/2021
Ward, Alice
- Location: Mansfield, Tarrant, TX 76063
- TxSGS District: F
- Phone: 214-505-5194 (M)
- Website: https:// www.transformingmindsets.com
Mental health and leadership, Relationship building, Work-life balance, Self care and boundaries, stress management, Team building, Mental health and diversity, Benefits of mental and emotional wellness, Practicing healthy ways of coping, the importance of emotional connectedness, building confidence through personal and professional growth
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
Whited, Randy
TxSGS Member
- Location: Pflugerville, Travis, TX 78660
- TxSGS District: L
- Phone: 512-657-2677 (M)
- Email: Whited.randy@gmail.com
DNA and Genetic Genealogy for all levels, Tools and technology for genealogy research, Beginner and Intermediate research methodologies
Additional Information: View PDF
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
Wilkins, Ari
TxSGS Member
- Location: Dallas, Dallas, TX 75228
- TxSGS District: G
- Phone: 214-886-5070 (M)
- Email: awilkins@blackgenesis.com
- Email: ari.wilkins@dallas.gov
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/www.blackgenesis.com
- Instagram: @ariwilkins
Beginners classes, African American genealogy, slave research, Southern records, general research methodology, using the library effectively.
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
Williams, Patti Huff
TxSGS Member
Integrative Bioscience; LLC
- Location: China Spring, McLennan, TX 76633
- TxSGS District: H
- Phone: 469-235-9890 (O)
- Email: enthusiasticgenealogist@gmail.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/https://www.facebook.com/patti.huffsmith
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/@PattiSm23178393
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enthusiasticgenealogist/
1. DNA-Beginning to Intermediate-How to Get the Most from Your DNA Results, 2. GEDmatch.com-Benefits and Tools to Use, 3. Discover New Ancestral Information by Connecting Through Social Media, 4. The Beatitudes of a Genealogist – Beginning Genealogy, 5. Sentimental Journey – Locating War Records, 6. Engaging the Next Generation
Reviewed/Revised: 04/27/2021
Wilson, Jacquie
- Location: Pflugerville, Travis, TX 78660
- TxSGS District: L
- Phone: 512-585-7775 (O)
- Email: jdemsky62@aol.com
- Website: https://stonegardens-explorer.blogspot.com
National Archives research, Social Media & Genealogy, Cemetery topics, Irish Ancestry
Yates, Donald
- Location: Phoenix, Maricopa, AZ 85050
- Phone: 480-292-9820 (O)
- Email: dpy@dnaconsultants.com
- Website: https://dnaconsultants.com
DNA, Native American, Jewish & Muslim, Melungeons, Scottish & many other topics
Youngblood, Larry
TxSGS Member
Youngblood ranch
- Location: Marquez, Leon, TX 77865
- TxSGS District: N
- Phone: 281-772-0952 (M)
- Email: lyoungblood9@comcast.net
- Website: https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/youngbloods-of-edgefield-sc/about/backgroun
- Blog: https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/youngbloods-of-edgefield-sc/about/background
Knocking down genealogical brick walls with YDNA testing coordinating with Autosomal results
Reviewed/Revised: 01/22/2023
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