The beginning of a new year is a perfect time to reflect on all manner of ways in which we’d like the next twelve months to unfold. Perhaps we yearn for better results in our genealogical research—more answers from less effort. The December 2018 issue addresses some good habits we can develop that, with a little willpower and effort, will make that desire a reality. Included are some genealogy research problems we might wish to conquer, from inadequate source citations to organizing our files. A list of resolutions is presented for your consideration in “Resolved for 2019: Develop Good Genealogy Habits.” Source citations are addressed as well as ideas on preserving old media or tackling digital organization. Consider adding timelines as a research tool.
Included also are articles on DNA, the upcoming Texas Institute of Genealogical Research (TIGR) event with a new course on Southern Research, partner society news, and so much more.
Whether you have your own list of genealogy resolutions or goals for 2019 or adopt some of the ones we’ve suggested, we look forward to sharing more genealogy news and tips next year.
Take a “Look Inside” this issue to learn more.
Make sure you get the next issue of Stirpes—join TxSGS today to ensure that you receive the March 2019 issue as soon as it comes off the press.
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