DNA testing and analysis has revolutionized genealogical research, providing for many a shortcut to uncovering unknown ancestors and discovering new cousins. The more you know about DNA to research your family history, the more likely you’ll be able to find those elusive ancestors.
This issue of Stirpes delves into genetic genealogy, with articles on DNA companies, research tools and tips, and examples of how DNA is being used to break down brick walls and better understand ancestors’ lives.
- Getting Started in DNA – the First Steps, by Bernard N. Meisner
- Using MyHeritage’s DNA Tools to Unlock Your Family History, by Daniel Horowitz and Daniella Levy
- 8 Tips for the BEST Experience with Ancestry ThruLines, by Patti Huff Smith
- Surnames to Locations: DNA Projects Foster Collaboration, by Paula Perkins
- Breaking Through a Brick Wall: the Early American Christopher DNA Project, by Bette Christopher-Pena
- DNA and Your Genealogy Toolbox, by Jim Thornhill
- Lost and Found: the Mystery of Jacob Gisler, by Marc J. LeClere
- The TxSGS Early Texans DNA Project, by Melody Hooper Woods
In her book review, Patti Huff Smith offers Highlights from Diahan Southard’s “Your DNA Guide – the Book.”
Stirpes also features TxSGS programs and events planned in 2022.
- 2022 TxSGS Family History Conference
- TxSGS Heritage Certificates
- TxSGS Partner Society Roundup
- And More!
Watch our website and future issues of Stirpes for details about upcoming programs, events, and other exciting news!
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Learn more at https://www.txsgs.org/stirpes-june-2022/