Learn more on our website about the complete list of topics, speakers, and workshops.
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Technology Track
Friday, 3:30 p.m., Using Your SmartPhone to Digitize Documents, Tony Hanson
Learn simple but effective techniques to maximize the quality of images when using a smartphone to digitize images in situations where a flatbed scanner is not available or appropriate. (Intermediate)
Saturday, 5:00 p.m. – Getting the Most Out of Evernote for Genealogy Research, Colleen Greene
Colleen Greene has a horrible memory and an obsession with staying organized—Evernote helps with both. This session covers the basics to get you up and running, but also includes features, tips, and use cases from which experienced users will benefit.
Sunday, 3:30 p.m., Personal Privacy and Security, Tony Hanson
Hackers and scammers are actively trying to gain access to your computer and to your personal and financial information. Your family history records and your finances are at risk! This presentation will help you understand what they are doing, how they are doing it, and the steps you can take to minimize the possibility that you will become a victim. (Intermediate)
($30 optional fee; must be registered to attend)
Spreadsheets 101 Workshop – An Excel-lent Hands-on Tutorial
Saturday, November 3, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Mary Kircher Roddy
This 2-hour workshop will cover setting up a worksheet and some basic commands including formatting, adding rows and columns, adjusting column widths and row heights, and setting up worksheets for printing. As participants gain skills and become more comfortable navigating the world of Excel, they can work on stepping up their game by utilizing color in worksheets, splitting columns, wrapping text, freezing panes, sorting, filtering, and more. Participants should bring their laptops loaded with Excel. (All levels)
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