We are thrilled to introduce you to one of the dynamic speakers teaching at our 2016 Family History Conference in Dallas Texas on October 28-30! Registration opened September 1st...grab your spot now!
About the Speaker
Billie Stone Fogarty, a full time professional genealogist and Life member of the Association of Professional Genealogists, has served the genealogical community in several capacities. Currently she serves as President of this international organization. A frequent speaker at national conferences, She is former president of the Genealogical Speakers Guild. She is also active on the regional, state, and local level in advancing genealogical research and open records access as the state liaison for the Records Preservation and Access Committee. She has worked diligently for the Oklahoma Genealogical Society (7 terms as President) and the Oklahoma Historical Society (Board of Directors and Executive Committee, Research Committee, and Publications Committee). Her background as an educator shows through in her passion for leading others to find out about their own family history.
Presenter Sessions
Homestead Act and Land Entry Files
Called the most important act for the welfare of the people ever passed in the United States, the records created by the Homestead Act would prove that to be true! Are you one of the 93 million people today who descend from those homesteaders?
Bounty Land and the American Soldier
Wars cost money which the new United States did not have. But she had plenty of land! Discover how and when land served to pay our soldiers and what wonderful records that process has for us to discover.
Effectively Using the American Indian Collection on Ancestry.com
Fabulous American Indian records were digitized at the National Archives in Washington, DC and Fort Worth and at the American Indian Archives in Oklahoma City by Ancestry.com. Learn how to locate and use them and what different types of records are included.
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