We are thrilled to introduce you to one of the dynamic speakers teaching at our 2016 Family History Conference in Dallas Texas on October 28-30! Registration opened September 1st...grab your spot now!
About the Speaker
Cari A. Taplin, lives in Pflugerville near Austin, Texas. She holds the Certified Genealogist® credential and has served in a wide variety of volunteer and leadership positions for several state, local, and national societies, currently serving as the Education Chair for the Austin Genealogical Society, and on the boards of the Association for Professional Genealogists and the Federation of Genealogical Societies. A state and regional speaker since 2004, Cari focuses on midwestern states, methodology and researching family legends. As the owner of GenealogyPANTS, she provides speaking, research and coaching services.
About the Sessions
Ahead of the Times: Texas Newspaper Research
Newspapers were daily snapshots of our ancestor’s lives; Texas newspapers are no exception. Examine the broad spectrum and history of Texas newspapers for genealogical research. Methods, techniques, and strategies for obtaining those items of interest will be demonstrated.
From Deeds to Dirt: Analyzing Research with Maps
This program demonstrates skills needed to move from land descriptions in historical documents to maps depicting those locations in order to analyze and solve research problems.
Who Lives Next Door? Using the FAN Club in Your Research
Untangle individuals of the same name and solve genealogical mysteries using the “FAN Club” principle. Methods to identify FAN Club members and case studies will be demonstrated.
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