We are thrilled to introduce you to one of the dynamic speakers teaching at our 2016 Family History Conference in Dallas Texas on October 28-30! Registration opened September 1st...grab your spot now!

About the Speaker
Lisa Louise Cooke is the owner of Genealogy Gems a genealogy education multi-media company. She is producer and host of the Genealogy Gems Podcast, the popular online genealogy audio show (downloaded over 1 & 3/4 million times!). The podcast is available at www.GenealogyGems.com, in iTunes, and through the Genealogy Gems app. Her podcasts episodes bring genealogy news, research strategies, expert interviews and inspiration to genealogists around the world.
Lisa is the author of the books: Mobile Genealogy: How to Use Your Tablet and Smartphone for Family History Research, The Genealogist’s Google Toolbox Second Edition, How to Find Your Family History in Newspapers, and Genealogy Gems. Her most recent publication is the wildly popular Evernote for Genealogists quick reference guide. In addition, she’s the producer of the video series Google Earth for Genealogy and over 70 videos at the Genealogy Gems YouTube Channel.
Genealogy Gems for Societies is the company’s newest offering providing genealogy societies year-round access to exciting video programming and newsletter content.
In addition to Genealogy Gems, Lisa produces and hosts The Family Tree Magazine Podcast, regularly writes for the magazine, and is an instructor and curriculum developer for Family Tree University.
Lisa’s offerings are not limited to online. She is a sought after international and keynote genealogy speaker having regularly appeared at Who Do You Think You Are? Live in London and RootsTech in Salt Lake City.
Whether in person or online, Lisa strives to dig through the myriad of genealogy news, questions and resources to deliver the gems that can unlock audience’s family history treasure trove!
About the Sessions
Lecture Title: Beginning Evernote for Genealogists
Evernote is a genealogist’s dream, putting all your genealogical research notes (text, audio, images, etc.) at your fingertips with superfast note retrieval, web clipping, OCR search and retrieval, and Cloud synchronization. In this session you will gain a firm grasp of what Evernote can do for you, and how to get started using it. Evernote harnesses the power of the Cloud to allow you to work across all your platforms (PC and Mac, Apple and Android.) Best of all, Evernote is free!
Lecture Title: Using Google Earth for Genealogy
In this extremely popular class Google Earth Guru Lisa Louise Cooke will teach you how to unlock mysteries in your research: from unidentified photographs, to how an ancestral location looked a hundred years ago or more, to plotting homesteads precisely using land patent legal descriptions. You’ll learn how to interpret the genealogical records you already have in new and exciting ways, and be amazed to discover that Google Earth is one of the best free genealogical tools available!
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