About the Speaker
Patti Gillespie, BA, MS brings a special energy to her genealogical presentations; she is currently presenting to groups around the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. With 25 years of research experience Patti established her own research business, Family Lines & Stories, in 2010 with a website/blog www.familylinesandstories.com available in Aug 2016. As former chairman of the of the national 2015 Video Professional Management Conference (VPMC) sponsored by the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG), former pioneering regional director for Family Search in a 10 county indexing program in North Texas, and former instructor of a six-week genealogy course for 2 years. Recently Patti was thrilled to both attend the Gen-Fed Conference held at the National Archives in Washington DC and be selected as a Citizen Archivist for the National Archives Fort Worth.
Besides keeping busy with family, children, grandchildren, and genealogical research trips, Patti volunteers in her genealogical community by serving as founder and president of Wise County Genealogical Association besides managing their active Facebook page, serving as a board member of both the Wise County Historical Association and Wise County Historical Society, and as a Family History Consultant for the local Family History Center. Having attended multiple Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy courses through the years and many conferences around the country, Patti has set a goal to earn her professional certification soon. Patti enjoys all things Harry Potter, gardening, and family.
About the Session
I’ve Gotten—Or I’m Getting—My DNA Report: Now What Do I Do?
Reading the report can be a challenge, and this session presents in a fun and visual way how to choose a company and a test, what to do while waiting for the report, and how to maximize the report results. Whether deciding who to contact, how to use the research within the DNA report, or just how to link our trees to our DNA results, this session will be helpful. Besides spending time reviewing the report, the potential use of raw data is introduced with visual step-by-step to GEDMatch and DNA Land.