We are thrilled to introduce you to one of the dynamic speakers teaching at our 2016 Family History Conference in Dallas Texas on October 28-30! Registration opened September 1st...grab your spot now!

About the Speaker
Ms. Christmas is an author, lecturer, and full-time genealogist. She lectures statewide in New Mexico and Colorado on topics related to Hispanics from as early as 1542 through 1850. She specializes in Hispanic research primarily in New Mexico, but also the Southwest.
About the Sessions
Timelines – Move Your Research Forward.
Does your family tree have parents younger than their children, ancestors who lived too long, or unexplainable gaps? Timelines can help keep things in research order, point out what is missing and even help break down the brick wall or two. Timelines work with all families, all locations and can be as small or large as you need them to be. Learn how a timeline can help you become a better researcher.
Southwestern US, Spanish Colonial Military, Is Your Soldier Eligible for the Sons or Daughters of the American Revolution?
In the last decade many records have become available that signify your Spanish Colonial Soldier may have donated funds, cattle or other aid to George Washington’s Cause. A case study of one Spanish Colonial Soldier, his records, his service and how his family played a role in his life.
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