Early Texans DNA Project

Access FAQ List for project and database information (organized in the same way as a person in this database).
Access the DNA Knowledge Base with links to DNA information (organized in the same way as a person in this database). Who Can Join the Project The Early Texans DNA Project of the Texas State Genealogical Society not only accepts members with the earliest ancestors—those who settled before Texas became a state on 19 February 1846 (descendants of early Spanish and Mexican settlers, Austin’s Old Three Hundred, Families of Alamo Defenders, descendants whose ancestors were part of a colony such as Mercer’s, Robertson’s, Castro’s, DeWitt’s, Edwards, and others) but also accepts anyone with ancestors who settled in Texas by 31 December 1900. Database Organization and Access Tips Each person in this database with a given name (alias) beginning with TX00xyz and surname Member has taken a DNA test, provided their lineage to an ancestor in Texas by 1900, and consented to be included in this project. As connections between project members are discovered shared DNA analysis is documented. We encourage all members to share information, photos, and documents with the project so ancestors are fully documented in this database. Persons born before 1900 are listed here with aliases but more identifying information may be found in a test taker's private match list on the FamilyTreeDNA website. Please use the "Suggest" tab on web pages to submit corrections, suggestions, and biographies. If you have document images, PDF files, and photos to share, use the "Suggest" tab to let us know what you are sending, then send the attachment in a separate email message to dna@txsgs.org. When possible, include a link directly to the document image on FamilySearch.org or other appropriate sites that allow free access to the public. Do not send document images that were downloaded from a site that restricts use of the image. We are constantly working to link source documents, photos, and family stories. Source citations may be incomplete until the source images are linked. All information should be considered only as clues unless corroborating sources are cited and/or linked. Please let us know if you see errors in ancestral lines. Member names are anonymized, but a search for the ancestor names should locate the ancestor page if they are in the database. 1. Use the search box to locate your earliest ancestor(s) 2. If only one person by that name is found, that person's individual page will be displayed. If the name is found more than once, then click on the ancestor's name in the hit list 3. On the individual page click the Descendants tab 4. Under the Descendants tab, use the "Text" or "Register" link and, if needed, set the number of generations in the drop-down box to a large number to see the full line of descendants (descendants named as "TX000xyz Member" are the most recent generations - the DNA test takers) 5. Review the display to confirm the parent-child links are correctly made and the birth, marriage, and death information is correct 6. Clicking on the name of any individual will display that person's page to confirm sources and other information 7. Use the "Suggest" tab displayed on most pages to send corrections, suggestions for changes, photos of your ancestors or their headstones, and details on sources cited when an incomplete citation is displayed. Attachments cannot be added to the email sent from the "Suggest" tab, but can be mailed to dna@txsgs.org after using the "Suggest" tab to send email. The email generated by the "Suggest" tab automatically adds the URL for the person page to assist in locating the correct person for the suggested changes. No login should be needed to view the public information in this database. Search or click using the links at the right or bottom of this home page. If access is denied try logging in as user guest with password guest. Visit the Texas State Genealogical Society website to learn more about other society projects and events. Project Goals All project members have given permission for their DNA to be analyzed and for lineages to be included in this database. Names and event information for all persons born before 1900 are anonymized unless the persons are deceased. Deceased persons born after 1900 may be named in some of the records cited. The project goals are to: Study the DNA of descendants of early settlers to discover information that can contribute to Texas history including:
Follow the instructions in the "Join the Project" section to help use DNA to discover more about our Texas ancestors. Alternately, login to your FamilyTreeDNA account then use the JOIN button on the TXStateGS Project page. The PDF fillable application form can be found at http://www.txsgs.org/TSGS/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/TxSGS_DNA_application.pdf. If your browser does not include a PDF reader feature then download the file to your device and use a PDF editor to complete the form. Contact Us