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1 |
 | "Autosomal DNA Statistics," ISOGG Wiki (https://isogg.org/wiki/Autosomal_DNA_statistics : 22 September 2021).
2 |
!['DNA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) [related to Genealogy Standards],' Board for Certification of Genealogists (https://bcgcertification.org/learning/dna-resources/dna-frequently-asked-questions-faq/ : 21 September 2021). 'DNA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) [related to Genealogy Standards],' Board for Certification of Genealogists (https://bcgcertification.org/learning/dna-resources/dna-frequently-asked-questions-faq/ : 21 September 2021).](documents/blog50x.png) | "DNA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) [related to Genealogy Standards]," Board for Certification of Genealogists (https://bcgcertification.org/learning/dna-resources/dna-frequently-asked-questions-faq/ : 21 September 2021).
3 |
 | "How Ancestry Composition Works," Customer Care, 23andMe (https://customercare.23andme.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004339467-How-Ancestry-Composition-Works : 21 September 2021).
4 |
 | "Mutation rates," ISOGG Wiki (https://isogg.org/wiki/Mutation_rates : 21 September 2021).
5 |
 | "myOrigins Frequently Asked Questions," Learning Center, FamilyTreeDNA (https://learn.familytreedna.com/autosomal-
ancestry/myorigins/myorigins-frequently-asked-questions/ : 21 September 2021).
6 |
 | "Unit:Probability," Statistics and probability, Khan Academy (https://www.khanacademy.org/math/statistics-probability/probability-library : 21 September 2021).
7 |
 | "Using DNA Proof Arguments for Heritage Certificates and Early Texans DNA Project Members," Texas State Genealogical Society blog (https://www.txsgs.org/programs/heritage-certificates/using-dna-proof-arguments-for-heritage-certificates-and-early-texans-dna-project-members/ : 21 September 2021).
8 |
 | "What Is My Ethnicity? How MyHeritage Estimates Ethnicities," Knowledge Base, MyHeritage (https://education.myheritage.com/article/the-founder-populations-project-how-myheritage-estimates-your-ethnicities/ : 21 September 2021).
9 |
 | 1850 US census, Fayette County, Texas, pop. sch., CITY, p. 218B (stamped), p. 60 (penned), dw. 430, fam. 430, C.Fitzgeral; NARA M432, roll 910; FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-XXZS-BQX?i=59 : 14 October 2021). C. Fitzgerald 50 m VA farmer $1500 real estate
Mary Fitzgerald 24 f Ark
John Fitzgerald 6 m TX
Andrew Fitzgerald 5 m TX
James Fitzgerald 5 m TX
George Fitzgerald 3 m TX
Elizabeth Fitzgerald 2 f TX
Mary Fitzgerald ?5 mos. f TX
10 |
 | 1860 US census, Fayette County, Texas, pop. sch., p. 38B (stamped), p. 160 (penned), dw. 1193, fam. 1614, C C Fitzgerald; NARA M653, roll 1294. (Switch URL to FamilySearch - not Ancestry.) C C Fitzgerald 59 m VA farmer $3930 real estate, $2280 personal estate
Mary Fitzgerald 34 f LA
John Fitzgerald 10 m TX
A J Fitzgerald 13 m TX
James Fitzgerald 13 m TX
G W Fitzgerald 12 m TX
Elizabeth Fitzgerald 11 f TX
M J Fitzgerald 9 f TX
Martha Fitzgerald 8 f TX
C C Fitzgerald 5 m TX
A Fitzgerald 3 m TX
Sarah Fitzgerald 2 f TX
M W Fitzgerald 6 mos m TX
11 |
 | 1870 US census, Fayette County, Texas, pop. sch., High Hill PO, p. 429B (stamped), p. 64 (penned), dw. 460, fam. 435, John Fitzgerald; NARA M593, roll 1585. John Fitzgerald 26 m TX farmer $2500 real estate, $1800 personal estate
George Fitzgerald 23 m TX farmer
Mary Fitzgerald 19 f TX housework
Alzeno Fitzgerald 17 f TX housework
Catharine Fitzgerald 16 f TX housework
Christopher Fitzgerald 15 m TX field hand
Ambrose Fitzgerald 13 m TX field hand
Wesley Fitzgerald 12 m TX field hand
Sarah Fitzgerald 10 f TX
Nathaniel Fitzgerald 7 m TX
Edney Burke 25 f AR keeps house
Adella Burke 5 f TX
Martin Burke 2 m TX
Priscilla Burke 3 f TX
Sherman Magnes 17 m AR field hand
Mary Fitzgerald 45 f LA keeps house
12 |
 | 1900 US census, Ward County, Texas, pop. sh., Barstow, ED 76, sheet 12A-B, dw.211, fam. 226, Wm. D. Stallings; FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-69YS-M9K : 14 October2021); NARA T623, roll 1676. Wm D Stalling head m 40 (b Sep 1859) TN KY TN, married 11 years
Arie M Stallings wife f 41 (b Sep 1858) TX KY TN, married 11 years, borne 5 children, 5 living
Dessie D Stallings dau f 14 (b Sep 1895) TX TN TX, at school
Ollie B Stallings dau f 8 (b Jan 1892) TX TN TX, at school
Cloy Stallings son m 7 (b Dec 1893) TX TN TX, at school
Leslie D Stallings son m 5 (b Apr 1895) TX
Willie Stallings dau f 3 (b Oct 1897) TX
Mollie Rowe adopt. dau f 19 (b Sep 1881) TX TX TX, at school
13 |
 | Addicks-Lopez - Neponusino Edward Addicks and Juanita Maria Lopez - Brief bio
14 |
 | Anderson - Thomas Alexander Anderson
15 |
 | Ann Raymont, "Chromosome mapping with siblings – part 1” DNASleuth, 13 May 2016 (https://dnasleuth.wordpress.com/2016/05/13/chromosome-mapping-with-siblings-part-1/ : 21 September 2021).
16 |
 | Ann Raymont, "Chromosome mapping with siblings – part 2” DNASleuth, 1 June 2016 (https://dnasleuth.wordpress.com/2016/06/01/chromosome-mapping-with-siblings-part-2/ : 21 September 2021).
17 |
 | Ann Raymont, "How reliable is our DNA evidence?," DNASleuth, 1 March 2019 (https://dnasleuth.wordpress.com/2019/03/01/how-reliable-is-our-dna-evidence/ : 21 September 2021).
18 |
 | Ann Raymont, "When is a match a false positive?” DNASleuth, 8 July 2016 (https://dnasleuth.wordpress.com/2016/07/08/when-is-a-match-a-false-positive/ : 21 September 2021).
19 |
 | Archer - William E. Archer - Brief bio
20 |
 | Bach, Ida Bach-Bauch - Brief bio
21 |
 | Barrett-Edwards - Isaac Parino Barrett, Sr. and Mary Teliclar Edwards - Brief bio
22 |
 | Black - Finas Addison Black
Owner of original: TX000125 Member
23 |
 | Black - Finas and Nannie (Williams) Black
Owner of original: TX000125 Member
24 |
 | Black - Nannie (Williams) Black
Owner of original: TX000125 Member
25 |
 | Black-Williams - Finas Addison Black and Nannie Matilda Williams - Brief bio
26 |
 | Blaine T. Bettinger, Leah LaPerle Larkin, and Jonny Perl, “The Shared cM Project 4.0 tool v4,” DNA Painter (https://dnapainter.com/tools/sharedcmv4). Bettinger provided the Shared cM data, self-reported by (and likely to contain some errors) from actual test taker data. Blaine T. Bettinger, “The Shared cM Project, Version 4.0 (March 2020),” The Genetic Genealogist, PDF online (https://thegeneticgenealogist.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Shared-cM-Project-Version-4.pdf). Also see Blaine T. Bettinger, “Shared cM Project,” The Genetic Genealogist (https://thegeneticgenealogist.com/2020/03/27/version-4-0-march-2020-update-to-the-shared-cm-project/). Also see “Collecting Sharing Information for Known Relationships,” The Genetic Genealogist (https://thegeneticgenealogist.com/2015/03/04/collecting-sharing-information-for-known-relationships/) and “Collecting Sharing Information for Known Relationships – Part II”, (https://thegeneticgenealogist.com/2015/04/06/collecting-sharing-information-for-known-relationships-part-ii/).
Larkin provided the underlying data for the probability indications based on Ancestry.com simulated, statistical data. Also see Leah LaPerle Larkin, “The Limits of Predicting Relationships Using DNA,” The DNA Geek, 19 December 2016 (https://thednageek.com/the-limits-of-predicting-relationships-using-dna/); probabilities based on simulated data citing “AncestryDNA Matching White Paper,” AncestryDNA, 31 March 2016 (https://www.ancestry.com/dna/resource/whitePaper/AncestryDNA-Matching-White-Paper).
Perl developed the website where these tools are housed, the user interfaces, and other tools on the site. These include the Chromosome Mapper that was the initial offering at DNA Painter as well as the Cluster Auto Painter, Inferred Segment Generator, cM Estimator, several tree and pedigree tools, and more. Also see the online help at https://dnapainter.com/help.
27 |
 | Blaine T. Bettinger, “The Recombination Project: Analyzing Recombination Frequencies Using Crowdsourced Data,” The Genetic Genealogist, 20 February 2017 (https://thegeneticgenealogist.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Recombination_Preprint.pdf : 21 September 2021).
28 |
 | Blair - James Blair - Brief Bio
29 |
 | Blum - Lydia Blum - Brief bio
30 |
 | Blum - Texas Department of Health, death certificate no. 28577 (1948), Samuel Gottlieb Blum; image, “Texas Deaths, 1890-1976,” FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33SQ-GYB1-Q4R5?i=77 : 14 July 2021).
31 |
 | Blum-Tschoepe - Guadalupe County, Texas, Marriages A:77, 31 December 1853, Gottlieb Blum to Augustine Tschoepe; image, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-9P3B-96HQ : 14 July 2021); digital film 004820358, image 416 of 742. This is a typed record book so is not possibly the original.
32 |
 | Blumberg-Ruff - Carl Blumberg and Katharine Ruff - Brief bio
33 |
 | Boatright - Amelia (White) Burke Boatright headstone, Llano City Cemetery, Llano County, Texas
34 |
 | Boatwright-White-Burke - 1870 US census, Caldwell County, Texas, pop. sch., Lockhart PO, p. 39 (penned), p. 295 (stamped), dw. 274, fam. 275, Levi Boatwright; "United States Census, 1870," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-X479-PG1 : 4 July 2021), image 25 of 154; citing NARA microfilm publication M593, roll 1577. Name, gender, age, calcuated birth year, birth place, occupation
[Levi] indexed as Leot Boatwright, Male, 52, 1818, Indian Territory, lanorer
Emelia Boatwright, Female, 38, 1832, South Carolina, keeping house
Eliza Boatwright, Female, 23, 1847, Texas
Lucy Boatwright, Female, 17, 1853, Texas
Margaret Boatwright, Female, 13, 1857, Texas
Martha Boatwright, Female, 13, 1857, Texas
Warren Boatwright, Male, 9, 1861, Texas
Arizona Boatwright, Female, 6, 1864, Texas
California Boatwright, Female, 5, 1865, Texas
Julia Boatwright, Female, 4, 1866, Texas
Leander Boatwright, Male, 3, 1867, Texas
Wm W Boatwright, Male, 1, 1869, Texas
John Hudson, Male, 23, 1847, Arkansas, laborer, personal estate $50
35 |
 | Boatwright-White-Burke - 1880 US census, Lavaca County, Texas, pop. sch., preceinct 4, ED 80, p. 10 (penned), p. 431A (stamped), dw./fam. 18, Levy Boatwright; "United States Census, 1880," database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-9YBX-9K8R?i=9 : 4 July 2021), image 9 of 47; citing NARA microfilm publication T9, roll 1316. Name, gender, age, calculated birth year, birth place, marital status, relationship to head, father birth place, mother birth plce, occupation
Levy Boatright, Male, 69, 1811, Alabama, Married, Self, Alabama, Alabama, Farmer
Permelia Boatright, Female, 56, 1824, Texas, Married, Wife, Alabama, Alabama, Keeping House
Warren Boatright, Male, 19, 1861, Texas, Single, Son, Alabama, Texas, Farmer
Arazona Boatright, Female, 17, 1863, Texas, Single, Daughter, Alabama, Texas
California Boatright, Female, 16, 1864, Texas, Single, Daughter, Alabama, Texas
Julia Boatright, Female, 14, 1866, Texas, Single, Daughter, Alabama, Texas
Winford Boatright, Male, 12, 1868, Texas, Single, White, Son, Alabama, Texas
Nancy Boatright, Female, 7, 1873, Texas, Single, Daughter, Alabama, Texas
dw./fam. 19 is George Burk born about 1844 in Texas
36 |
![Boatwright-White-Burke - Fayette County, Texas, Marriages, B:357, 8 January 1861, Levi Boatright and Mrs. Amelia Burke [indexed as Burpe]; 'Texas Marriages, 1837-1973', database, <em>FamilySearch</em> (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VK11-4W5 : 4 July 2021). Boatwright-White-Burke - Fayette County, Texas, Marriages, B:357, 8 January 1861, Levi Boatright and Mrs. Amelia Burke [indexed as Burpe]; 'Texas Marriages, 1837-1973', database, <em>FamilySearch</em> (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VK11-4W5 : 4 July 2021).](documents/IMG.png) | Boatwright-White-Burke - Fayette County, Texas, Marriages, B:357, 8 January 1861, Levi Boatright and Mrs. Amelia Burke [indexed as Burpe]; "Texas Marriages, 1837-1973", database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VK11-4W5 : 4 July 2021).
37 |
 | Brandt - Gustav Brandt - Brief bio
38 |
 | Bruton-Roberts - David Darius Bruton and Martha Cherry Patsy Roberts - Brief bio
39 |
![Burke - 1850 US census, Fayette County, Texas, p. 219 (stamped), dw./fam. 439, indexed as William Anges Birck when should be Mrs Agnes Birck [Burke]; 'United States Census, 1850,' database with images, <em>FamilySearch</em> (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-XXZS-PTR : 4 July 2021), Texas > Fayette > Fayette county > image 61 of 69, citing NARA microfilm publication M432, roll 910. Burke - 1850 US census, Fayette County, Texas, p. 219 (stamped), dw./fam. 439, indexed as William Anges Birck when should be Mrs Agnes Birck [Burke]; 'United States Census, 1850,' database with images, <em>FamilySearch</em> (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-XXZS-PTR : 4 July 2021), Texas > Fayette > Fayette county > image 61 of 69, citing NARA microfilm publication M432, roll 910.](documents/IMG.png) | Burke - 1850 US census, Fayette County, Texas, p. 219 (stamped), dw./fam. 439, indexed as William Anges Birck when should be Mrs Agnes Birck [Burke]; "United States Census, 1850," database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-XXZS-PTR : 4 July 2021), Texas > Fayette > Fayette county > image 61 of 69, citing NARA microfilm publication M432, roll 910. Name, gender, age, calculated birth year, birth place, occupation:
[Mrs. Agnes Birck] indexed as William Anges Birck, Female, 44, 1806, Missouri
James Birck, Male, 21, 1829, Arkansas, farmer, $700 real estate
John Birck, Male, 17, 1833, Louisiana
Martin Birck, Male, 12, 1838, Texas
Irena Birck, Female, 10, 1840, Texas
George Birck, Male, 7, 1843, Texas
Sarah Birck, Female, 3, 1847, Texas
Ann S Crier, Female, 23, 1827, Louisiana
Elizabeth Brautz, Female, 19, 1831, Louisiana
Mary Ann Brautz, Female, 1, 1849, Texas
40 |
 | Burke - 1860 US census, Fayette County, Texas, pop. sch., Lyonsville PO, p. 318A-B (stamped), p. 119-120 (penned), dw. 892, fam.1200, Amelia Burk; NARA microfilm publication M653, roll 1294; online at FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-9BSF-DHH : 4 July 2021), image 103 and 104 of 182; citing NARA microfilm publication M653, roll 1294. Amelia Burk, female, age 25, born Mississippi
Polly Burk, female, 8, born Texas
Amanda J Burk, female, 7, born Texas
Elizabeth Burk, female, 5, born Texas
Larana Burk, female, 4, born Texas
Jemima Burk, female, 2, born Texas
Dwelling 893, family 1201 and 1202 are Agnes Burk (mother of James Burke) and Martin Burk.
41 |
 | Burke - 1860 US census, Fayette County, Texas, pop. sch., Lyonsville PO, p. 318B (stamped), p. 120 (penned), dw. 893, fam.1201, Agnes Burk; NARA microfilm publication M653, roll 1294; online at FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-9BSF-DHH), Texas > Fayette > Not Stated > image 104 of 182. family 1201
Agnes Burk, female, age 52, born Missouri, $360 real estate, $670 personal estate
family 1202
Martin Burk, male, 21, born Texas, waggoner, personal estate $290
Bonny [Ranny, Irena] Burk, female, 18, born Texas
George Burk, male, 16, born Texas
Sallie Burk, female, 12, born Texas
42 |
 | Burke - Fayette County, Texas, Probate G:213, February 1867 term, item 730, Petition of Levi Boatwright on estate of James Burke. Fayette County, Texas Probate Record Book G:213
730) The State of Texas Probate Court, February Term 1867
County of Fayette To the Hon County Judge of the Said County of Fayette: -
The petition of Levi Boatwright citizen of the aforesaid County,
respectfully represents that a few years Since, James Burke departed this life, being at the time, a resident of this (Fayette County) leaving a widow and five Small children. Since the death of
Said Burke, your petitioner has intermarried with his widow. Said children are each under fourteen years o age, and have a Small interest in the Estate of their Grand Mother, Agnes Burke deceased. Their names are Mary, Amanda, Jemima, Bettie and Lucinda [Lourana]. Petitioner prays to be appointed Guardian of their property, as the Same Should be Secured for their Maintenance and education, and So will ever pray.
Price & Alford
Atty's for petitioner
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Original petition now on file in My office among the papers in the Guardianship of the Minors, Mary, Amanda, Jemima, Bettie and
Lucinda [Lourana] Burke.
Recorded this the 11th March 1867.
z. M. P Fruich Clk Co Court
43 |
 | Burke - Interim Report on DNA Analysis - TX000013 family group and TX000114. Report 1 - 2021-09-6
44 |
 | Burke-Robbins - Texas Department of Health, death certificate no. 13250 (1932), Mrs. Bettie Robbins; image, “Texas Deaths, 1890-1976,” FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33SQ-GB9F-364B : 11 September 2021).
45 |
 | Burke-White - Fayette County, Texas, Marriages, B:37, 10 November 1851, James Burke and Amelia White; "Texas Marriages, 1837-1973", database, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33SQ-GP3P-8HX : 4 July 2021).
46 |
 | Burleson-Shipman - Captain James Burleson and Elizabeth Shipman - Brief bio
47 |
 | Caleb Davis, Michael Sager, Göran Runfeldt, Elliott Greenspan, Arjan Bormans, Bennett Greenspan, and Connie Bormans, "Big Y-700 White Paper: Powering discovery in the field of paternal ancestry," FamilyTreeDNA (https://blog.familytreedna.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/big_y_700_white_paper_compressed.pdf : 22 September 2021).
48 |
 | Casbeer-Witt - Josiah Samuel Casbeer and Lavina Adaline Witt - Brief bio
49 |
 | Casey - James Casey Jr. - Brief Bio
50 |
 | Catherine A. Ball et al., “Ethnicity Estimate 2020 White Paper,” AncestryDNA (https://www.ancestrycdn.com/dna/static/pdf/whitepapersEthnicity2020_white_paperV2.pdf : 21 September 2021).