Early Texans DNA Project

FindAGrave memorial 87635123, Red Hill Cemetery. Obituary, no date, no paper name, "Mrs. Frederick, 92, dies at Powderly." Second marriage was to J R Frederick, 3 Dec 1883, Lamar County, Texas. TX000065 is related to the Edward Stephens family through two grandparents.

Source Information

  • Title FindAGrave memorial 87635123, Red Hill Cemetery. Obituary, no date, no paper name, "Mrs. Frederick, 92, dies at Powderly." Second marriage was to J R Frederick, 3 Dec 1883, Lamar County, Texas. TX000065 is related to the Edward Stephens family through two grandparents.  
    Short Title FindAGrave memorial 87635123, Red Hill Cemetery. 
    Source ID S475 
    Linked to (1) Ellen Jane Stephens