Early Texans DNA Project

Find A Grave memorial no. 7251495, headstone photo, Borden Cemetery.

Source Information

  • Title Find A Grave memorial no. 7251495, headstone photo, Borden Cemetery. 
    Short Title Find A Grave memorial no. 7251495 
    Source ID S921 
    Text Find A Grave memorial 7251495, Asa Townsend (1795-1876) (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/7251495/asa-townsend : accessed 20 March 2021), created by Steve M. Stapeleton, headstone photos by "TexasBob," DSmith, and Greg Rabel; citing Borden Cemetery, Weimer, Colorado County, Texas. Headstone photo with "Citizen of the Republic of Texas" seal, legible markings; also a photo, presumably of Asa, added by Mervin D. Peters. 
    Linked to (1) Asa Townsend